Aug 5, 2021 | Transportation Infographics
With so many people at home and not out driving on the roads, how did the automobile industry fare during this time? And which car companies were more successful than others? The team at Alan’s Factory Outlet used data from Fortune’s Global 500 list to find how much the largest car companies earned in profits during 2020 as well as the ones that ended up not being profitable at all.
Aug 5, 2021 | Technology Infographics
There have been many gadgets and technological devices created through the years that could be classified as iconic. From the original Victrola phonograph of 1906 to the comically large Motorola DynaTAC 8000x cellular phone of 1984, these early technologies shaped the new tech gadgets of today. The HP research team looked at some of the most influential technologies in history and researched how much they would cost in today’s dollars.
Aug 4, 2021 | Business Infographics
The COVID-19 pandemic influenced people’s lives in every aspect – especially the workers. The team at Deputy have run a survey among thousands of shift workers in those niches from around the world just to see how much working conditions have changed, is shift work still appealing and what are they expecting from their employers in the coming years.
Aug 2, 2021 | Education Infographics
Children with learning and attention issues can be just as successful academically and personally when given the right opportunities. This infographic explores the unique characteristics of the 7 learning disabilities as defined by the Learning Disabilities Association of America to advocate for awareness, understanding, and compassion.
Jul 29, 2021 | Business Infographics
A lot of people don’t realize that you can trade as a business. You don’t need to work for a big funds manager in order to be a trader. This infographic looks at the pros and cons of learning how to trade as a business vs starting up a more traditional business. It also compare common risks involved in both trading and in running a small business along with the benefits of each.
Jul 27, 2021 | Finance & Money Infographics
The international silver price is derived from gigantic trading volumes of ‘paper silver’ in London and New York. This infographic lays out the context, showing that physical silver is a scarce and valuable investment and monetary metal far removed from the world of unallocated and derivative silver trading.
Jul 26, 2021 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Here is a curated list of the best video game conventions taking place across the globe in 2021. Gaming fans can observe that most of the world’s top industry events will return live following the COVID-19 outbreak, with some organizers keeping the festivities exclusively online in view of the current climate.
Jul 21, 2021 | Lifestyle Infographics
10 percent of the population has a fear of public speaking and will go to great lengths to avoid it. In fact, public speaking is listed as the number one fear behind snakes and even death! The medical term for speak anxiety is called “Glossophobia” and three in four people suffer from some form of public speaking fear.
Jul 20, 2021 | Business Infographics
The COVID19 pandemic has brought about substantial losses to many companies. The restaurant industry is no exception. With closures, social distancing measures and the like, the restaurant industry has changed. In the following infographic, GTechSolutions looks at why you should build a food delivery app for your restaurant.
Jul 20, 2021 | Lifestyle Infographics
New Year’s resolutions are often difficult to stick to as we get distracted or overwhelmed and run out of time or motivation. Instead of setting firm resolutions, consider making a long-term goal with less pressure and more realistic goals. This infographic shows the benefits of choosing boxing as your objective and how to make it stick.