Untying the Knot

Everyone has heard of the high divorce rate, but do people know what to look out for? This infographic displays the statistical “rough patches” so to speak, that a marriage goes through and why. Divorce also has a large effect on children, and this infographic explains the top affects.

What Men Really Want

Contrary to what most people might think about men and the lack of interest they have in the wedding planning process, most men today tend to actually want to be involved in some way. In fact, according to a recent poll, 56% of grooms participate in choosing the venue, 1 in 20 men participate in decisions about flowers, and one third of grooms pick up a fork, taste cake options, and help his bride make the right choice for their big day.

State of the Unions

Unions — Some people hate them, and some love them. Here is an infographic explaining unions and the statistics and behind them, entitled “State of the Unions”.

Comparing Convictions: Christianity and Islam

Religion can be confusing. From different texts and deities to opposing views and implemented beliefs, there are many people confused about different religions. One religion that seems to baffle most is Islam. Online Christian Colleges has created an infographic outlining the differences between Christianity and Islam.

Obamacare by the Numbers

In the following infographic by Healthcare-Administration-Degree.net, take a look at the numbers of Americans who have applied for health insurance since Obamacare has become law. You will also learn about glitches that occurred on the website.

Silent Killers of Your Metabolism

Your metabolism is responsible for turning calories into energy. A slow metabolism can lead to a build-up of calories, stored as fat for later use. Ultimately, this leads to unwanted weight gain and, if unchecked, obesity. In the following infographic, discover a number of factors that are wreaking havoc on your metabolism.

Top 10 Tax Mistakes Traders Make

The online trading academy has created a list of mistakes that most investors and traders make when they file their taxes. When filing their taxes they always have special challenges that they are faced with and these mistakes are common. The list of mistakes below are from an affiliate of trading academy called Tax Pros. View the infographic below to learn the top 10 mistakes you as an investor or trader need to be aware of.