Why You Should Migrate From Windows XP

Have you upgraded from XP to Windows 7 or 8? If not you better do so soon. On 8th April Microsoft will officially stop supporting Windows XP, putting your machine at risk. For businesses the threat is more severe. Take a look at this infographic to find out why migrating from Windows XP should be at the top of your to do list.

Top 10 Pranks To Play On Friends In The Home

Here are 10 practical pranks to play on your friends and family at home. You’re sure to be filled with some mischievous plans to plot before the day arrives with plenty to choose from flaming hot tooth paste, bubble wrap in the toilet, to sneakily posting sticky notes on everything you can find from the kids to even the cat!

How Does Facebook Make its Money?

Facebook is one of the biggest tech giants around. But with its service being free, many people wonder where they get so much money. Business Management Degree has created an infographic detailing how the social networking giant continues to rake in the dough.

Google vs. Apple

The following infographic from GreatBusinessSchools.org takes a look at the war of products and ideas between two of today`s biggest tech giants.

Hacking and Data Breaches: The Businesses of Stealing Information

As hackers become increasingly sophisticated, technology struggles to keep up with the security necessary for our private information. This infographic displays some staggering numbers from the past 9 years of records as kept by the ID Theft Center, how hackers make money off of what they steal, as well as what you can do to prevent your data from being stolen.

Guide to Electric Car Etiquette

Electric vehicles (EVs) are getting ever more popular. It’s expected that 2.6 million plug-in electric vehicles will be sold across the United States between 2013 and 2022. Here uAuto Insurance has put together a guide to electric car etiquette.

Leveraging Snapchat for Brands

Snapchat, a popular application used to send instant, temporary photos amongst friends, is now being leveraged by brands looking to target a younger audience. Check out the following infographic to find out more about Snapchat’s user demographics, which brands are currently using it successfully, and some best practices for brand communication.

How To Quit Porn

America has a pornography problem and it’s time for us to really take a look and understand the destructive nature of porn. Porn is everywhere in our society and it’s changing the way people understand sex and view women. Even though porn is all around us, there are ways to quit and protect yourself.