Engineering the Sochi Winter Olympics

With the XXII Winter Games upon us, it is important to understand the engineering complexities that go into creating such a remarkable event. Expectations are high for each Olympic games, with over 6,000 athletes competing this winter from 85 countries in front of thousands of spectators. The costs of developing effective transportation systems, comfortable housing for athletes and coaches, and state of the art venues for the highest level of competition are remarkable.

A College Student’s Guide To Finding Mentors

Do you have goals that you want to accomplish? Maybe get an internship this summer? Or complete a semester project before the last day? Or hit the gym a ton and get fit? This infographic shows you how you can accomplish your goals faster and easier by planning better through the help of a mentor.

Netflix vs. Blockbuster

Was Netflix really the nail in the coffin that put Blockbuster out of business or was it something else? Blockbuster was hurting long before Netflix became a player. But it looks better to lose a war, than to lose from sheer incompetence. See how Netflix grew when Blockbuster was going under in this visually appealing infographic.

Sleeper Hold – 173 Days of Our Life Snoozed Away

14 minutes each morning – that’s a quarter of an hour every day, and 85 hours every year lost to the snooze button and REM sleep. This infographic reveals the sleeping habits of tired, tired Brits, discovering that they only get 6 and a half hours sleep per night – far below the recommended minimum – and as a result, are sleeping in longer and struggling more in the mornings. Can you break the sleeper hold?

Important Facts About Heart Failure

In the United States, more than six million people are living with heart failure (HF), and more than 600,000 new HF patients are diagnosed each year. Learn about the important facts related to different types of heart failure and how to detect it in this infographic.

Rise of Social Media in Ecommerce

Over the years, the shopping experience has evolved along with the web. Today brands can no longer afford to ignore their customers. And as more and more customers shop online, it has become highly critical for brands to engage with their potential customers. Here MobStac provides a few interesting numbers that further drives in how social media is beginning to define the e-commerce sector.

Seven Huge Consequences of An EU Ecig Ban

Ashtray Blog surveyed over 1,600 vapers to find out how they would react to a ban on electronic cigarettes. If the results are extrapolated to all vapers, the results are shocking with potentially more than a million ex-smokers returning to tobacco cigarettes.

Geeky Guide to Magical Rings

Everyone loves a little bling, and superheroes are no different. Custom Made has created an infographic entitled “Geeky Guide to Magical Rings” detailing some of the most famous rings we’ve seen in literature, along with the characters that wear them.