Big Data, Small Footprint?

While browsing the internet, many people want to know how we are supplied with what seems to be an endless supply of data. Where does all this energy come from? What’s the impact it has on the environment? Best Computer Science Schools has created an infographic entitled “Big Data, Small Footprint?”, explaining all the details of the where, when, and how’s of data, and its impact on the environment.

Embrace Your Inner Crazy

Here is a whimsical infographic from Best Psychology Degrees entitled “Embrace Your Inner Crazy” that is filled with fun facts and trivia showing how as humans are all just a little bit crazy and that this “craziness” drives our biggest successes and innovations.

Facts About Rats

This infographic includes some interesting facts about rats including the Brown Rat and Black Rat. For example, did you know that rats only have a lifespan of three years? I guess that is why there was no remake of Pixar’s Ratatouille. How about that rats achieve sexual maturity in 5 weeks of birth?

The Gremlins Want Your Data

The cloud is an emerging technology for backup, and while more than half of SMBs say they back up to the cloud to protect business data, many IT providers still do not offer cloud backup to their business customers. This infographic describes the data loss threat and offers IT providers tips on how they can grow revenue and protect their business customers with a better cloud backup solution.

5 Social Media Makeover Tips for Business

Social media is not rocket science. That’s good news because it means that with some minor adjustments to your Facebook page, Twitter account and weekly calendar you can stand out from your competition, get more leads and engage with more customers. In this infographic, GroSocial looks at fve social media makeover tips for business.

Marketing Metrics That Matter

Marketers are constantly on the search for useful metrics. While knowing baseline metrics is always a good thing, deciding which of those metrics are valuable-which ones turn into leads-can be confusing. Pardot has created an infographic which outlines most of the marketing metrics available, and separates them into useful categories (Better Metrics), and the not so useful (Vanity Metrics).

The Devils Game: Roulette

Roulette is often considered one of the easiest casino games for inexperienced casino goers, and generally requires no prior knowledge to play the game. The game is actually fairly easy to win, because it has one of the highest house advantages: there are multiple bets that offer a near 50 percent chance at winning.

The Biggest Security Breaches of 2013

The number of breaches that happen yearly are shocking and it looks like this number is expected to increase in the coming year. Marble Security compiled a list of the biggest security breaches seen for 2013 and the amount of records affected for each one. Will businesses step up their game faster than the hackers can?