The Risk of Attorney Malpractice

Being an attorney is a risky profession, particularly malpractice. According to the American Bar Association, malpractice claims are on the rise. Attorneys who take time to understand the most common reasons for malpractice and identify how their business could be impacted, can minimize their exposure to risk.

13 Puppy Perils of The Fall Season

Although fall can be an exciting and welcomed time of year for most people, it can also be a riskier time of year for dogs. During the fall season, most dogs will have to deal with changes in the weather, meeting unfamiliar people visiting during the holidays, and more opportunities to eat potentially harmful foods. As such, it’s important to be proactive in working to keep your dog safe this fall.

WordPress Plug-ins For Developers to Extend Website Functionality

Perception System has put together a list of some remarkable Wordpress plug-ins that are especially useful for developers in making their development task easier than before. If you also want to improve your Wordpress blog/site functionality through different types of plug-ins, then this list Wordpress plug-ins is just what you need.

Office of the Future

If you don’t do it, you probably know someone who does: telework. Whether part time or full time, virtual workspaces are becoming more and more commonplace every year. Top Management Degrees has created an infographic detailing what the future may hold for the brick-and-mortar office spaces of America.

The Birth Order Effect

Many of us have heard the adages and sayings about birth order, and how it impacts the characters of the children in the family. But research is starting to show that the long-held beliefs may be startlingly true. Best Psychology Degrees has created an infographic entitled “The Birth Order Effect” exploring how birth order may influence children’s personality, life choices, and careers.

A Visual History of Computing

This infographic takes a look back at the technological advancements of the last decade, since the first electronic programmable computer was built in 1943, which is exactly 70 years ago this month.

Hoaxes That Fooled The World

Hoaxes: We’ve all fallen for them at one time or another. There have always been hoaxes (even before the Internet). This infographic from takes a look at several of them.

Unsung Heroes of Belfast

In this infographic, discover inspirational people born and raised in Belfast, brave and talented heroes that helped to shape the world. They are people any city would be proud to have reared.

12 Last-Minute Super Festive Facebook Holiday Contest Ideas

Wait, what?! You haven’t put up any Facebook contests yet this month? No worries! The following infographic has 12 really easy contest ideas that you can implement in minutes. More than 50,000 active Facebook Pages and 300,000 custom Facebook Page apps that serve more than 1.4 billion Facebook fans were analyzed and, among the things discovered: Engagement in December increases by as much as 66 percent on custom Facebook Page apps. More below.

Superhero Day Jobs

Supervillains, natural disasters , meglomaniacs – superheroes have a pretty busy job at the best of times. But what would happen if world peace broke out and superheroes found themselves with nothing to do. Like the rest of us, they would need to get a day job. In this infographic, take a light-hearted look at the most suitable everyday jobs for our favorite superheroes.