Gassed: Gasoline Consumption

Driving down the road, you’ll notice many hybrid or fuel efficient vehicles.  But even with the move toward more environmentally friendly transportation, the United States still consumes the most oil of any country, followed by China. Here is an infographic entitled “Gassed”, highlighting facts and statistics surrounding the oil industry.

Why Enterprise Social Networks Fail

Internal social networks like Yammer and Jive are rising in popularity. In some organizations they are replacing intranets and email. A less known fact is that in most companies enterprise social networks fail to take root. One key reason for this is lack of support from senior management. Without their support old practices that hinder the social revolution will be too hard to change.

2013-2014 NBA Finals Predictions

For all of the NBA fans who can’t wait to the NBA playoffs and the NBA Finals this year, here is a best guess visual of who will be the NBA Champions for the 2013-2014 season. Will Miami 3-peat? Will the Pacers finally have the team power to dethrone Miami in the East? Who are the favorites in the West?

Baby Boomers: Connected Yet Unsecure

According to the US Consumer Expenditure Survey, baby boomers are known to surpass other generations by spending as much as $400 billion on consumer goods in a year. Their top expenditure includes consumer technology products and home computers, gadgets, plush vacations, online shopping and home improvement.

How Much Grease Do Fast Food Restaurants Produce?

This infographic shows how much grease the average fast food restaurant in the U.S. produces every day. Not only that, but it also shows how much grease is produced over a week, month, and year. To take the calculations even further, it reveals just how much grease is produced by all restaurants in the U.S. every day, week, month, and year.

Getting Ahead in Business With Body Language worked with Dr. Nick Morgan, a Forbes contributor and body language expert to help conceptualize and inform this infographic. It looks at different common business scenarios and helps readers to put their best foot forward from a body language perspective.

9 SEO Experts on the Future of Marketing

Marketing is a twisted, winding road, with many dead ends. Website content, along with social network marketing, are two ways to ensure that you stay in tune with your customers. As soon as search engine optimization (SEO) is mentioned, however, many marketers run the other direction. With so much mis-information out there about SEO, what do you believe?

App Optimization for iOS 7

App Optimization for iOS 7, which has been specially designed for iOS app developers. It offers insights on the new features and tools available in Apple’s latest OS, and encourages app developers (who have not yet made the iOS 7 leap) to move their apps forward to avoid providing users with an outdated app experience.

Wine 101: Fun Facts to Impress Your Friends

This infographic features interesting wine facts and little-known statistics that will definitely get the conversation started at your next party. For instance, did you know that there are 10,000 varieties of wine grapes worldwide? Also, the average age of a French Oak Tree harvested for use in creating wine barrels is 170 years old?