App Optimization for iOS 7

App Optimization for iOS 7, which has been specially designed for iOS app developers. It offers insights on the new features and tools available in Apple’s latest OS, and encourages app developers (who have not yet made the iOS 7 leap) to move their apps forward to avoid providing users with an outdated app experience.

Wine 101: Fun Facts to Impress Your Friends

This infographic features interesting wine facts and little-known statistics that will definitely get the conversation started at your next party. For instance, did you know that there are 10,000 varieties of wine grapes worldwide? Also, the average age of a French Oak Tree harvested for use in creating wine barrels is 170 years old?

The Mind-Bending Future of Computer Science

By the year 2018, there will be 1.4 million computer specialist jobs available, but only enough college graduates to fill a fraction of them. In this infographic, discover some amazing projects that may become a part of our future, thanks to computer scientists.

Marketing Orchestration

Marketing that revolves around a calendar and bad assumptions about customers isn’t even close to being as effective as sending a message that’s based on someone’s specific intent, behavior or preferences. This infographic depicts why marketers need to let go of the campaign calendar and adopt a more customer-centric approach.

Demystifying Thanksgiving

When did the first Thanksgiving take place? How many miles do Americans travel to visit their families during Thanksgiving weekend? What is the heaviest turkey on record in the world weight? If these are questions you have been asking yourself every time Thanksgiving holiday takes place, then you’ll want to explore the following infographic entitled, “Demystifying Thanksgiving.”

Is a Zombie Invasion Possible?

A zombie invasion is not only possible, it may already be happening! You think all those writers in Hollywood are just making this stuff up? Like they have that kind of imagination? Find out for yourself if a zombie invasion is really possible with the help of this infographic.

Strangest Laws Still In Effect Today

Would you believe that in the state of Arizona, you could be sentenced to 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus? Or that in North Carolina, it is illegal to sing off-key? Both of these surprising bits of information are true! In fact, there are many more strange laws like these two examples that, despite being put into place long ago, are still active in states across the country today.

Mass Shootings: Acceleration

Mass killings have occurred for a long time in the world and America but recently random acts of violence in public have been on the rise. Here Security Degree Hub has a look at the history of mass killings throughout the 20th century.