Fun Facts About Cats

Humanity’s relationship with cats goes back thousands of years. But why have we cultivated a link with these seemingly aloof and independent animals? Because they are awesome, that’s why! Covered Mag takes a closer look at the bond between humans and cats in this infographic, which will hopefully shed some light on the matter.

Declassifying Google’s Hummingbird

Google’s hummingbird update is exposed in the following infographic from Syndacast where they showcase how you and your business can adapt to this new change by providing nifty tips and tricks on how to take advantage of hummingbird.

Xbox One Vs. PS4 – The Big Showdown

This infographic is in the style of an old vintage boxing poster, pitching a knock-out fight between the forthcoming Xbox One and PS4 consoles. Sure, there were a few infographics on this subject when the new consoles were announced a few months ago. But they wanted to do an interesting visual take on it, especially as final launch dates have now been announced.

Statistics of World’s Most Powerful Armies

If only the world was a perfect, there would be no need of armies and wars. But in reality, threats domestically and abroad place every country is at risk which compels them to train and establish military forces to protect their countries from security threats and risks. There are several striking armies which are popularly known for their size of army personnel and number of warships. This infographic takes a look at some of them.

The Surprisingly Common World of Heart Defects

Congenital heart defects is the leading cause of birth-defect related death with 1% of children are born with a CHD (40,000 babies in the U.S. per year). 1/3 of infants born with a CHD need life-saving treatment in their first year of life considering the median age of CHD related deaths is 1 year old. Today more than 1 million American adults are living with a CHD.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Hibernation

Did you know that some bears can sleep during five to seven months during one year? Their hearts beat slowly and they only wake up for short periods of time. But they are not the only animals to do this. The following infographic looks at everything you ever wanted to know about hibernation.

Online Magazine Publishing

Here is an infographic detailing the trends in online magazine publishing including the amount of magazines being sold as well as the revenues being earned in places like the Apple Newsstand. Viewers are offered a compelling reason to publish their own digital online magazine.

Email Marketing Cheat Sheet

Here’s an easy-to-read cheat sheet from Marketo to reference when planning your email programs. Learn how much time your peers spend strategizing, what marketers are testing most in their emails, the perfect time to send, and why marketers should design emails that are optimized for smart phones.