99 Cat Sweaters

What makes a cat sweater a cat sweater? Find out with this analysis of 99 ridiculous vintage cat sweaters from TheSweaterStore.com.

A Marketer’s Guide to Retargeting on Facebook

When Facebook launched their unique Facebook Exchange (FBX) ads in June 2012, the company was extremely excited to introduce this new real-time ad auction platform to advertisers, which was a brand new approach for them. Facebook Exchange is a real-time bidding ad system that utilizes data collected from consumers’ behavior outside of Facebook, including visits to third-party websites and cookies in order to show those consumers dynamic ads when they return to Facebook.

The Anatomy of A Top Chef

This infographic lets you know the ins and outs of a professional chef from top to bottom and everywhere in between. They started with the very basic uniform needs, like a proper chef’s hat, and naturally progress to unique and specific tools of the trade like the carbon steel chef’s knife. After reading this, you’ll know how to equip yourself to cook with the best of them.

7 Inventors Killed By Their Inventions

Most of us are familiar with Mary Shelley’s novel, “Frankenstein,” the monster created by an eccentric scientist by his own hands which ultimately became his doom. While this entertaining story is a work of fiction, there are relevant records in history that reveal several inventions have become the end of their inventors.

Chew On This: Impact of Food-Borne Illnesses

Illnesses caused by food-borne contaminants affect millions of Americans every year. Hundreds of thousands are hospitalized, miss work or even die. The result is a multibillion-dollar impact on the U.S. economy and healthcare industry. And the real kicker? Most of these infections could be prevented by simple safety precautions.

Which Jobs Lead to Substance Abuse?

Drug abuse can cause irreparable harm on one’s body, a well-known fact supported by thorough research. What often goes overlooked is how drug addiction can impact one’s ability in the workplace, in addition to how it can negatively impact their co-workers. Learn more about which jobs are most likley to lead to substance abuse in this infographic.

Evolution of Lead Generation

Since the beginning of time the art of lead generation has been used by companies large and small to sell, grow and ultimately succeed. From ads in the first newspapers, the first American billboards and the first radio commercials, to the first unsolicited commercial email, the first web banner ad and the new term “Viral Marketing,” the process of lead generation has evolved.

The #1 Small Business Marketing Idea

Are you looking for small business marketing ideas that are cheap and effective? If so, what about the lowly blog? The blog is actually not lowly at all, but is by far the best marketing tool out there when you know how to use it effectively. Learn more about the benefits of blogging in this infographic

The Fastest & Fiercest Roller Coasters Around the Globe

Do you have an insatiable need for speed and an equally-incurable itch for travel? If so, you’ll love the latest infographic from the travel experts at Holiday Point. The adrenaline-packed infographic showcases the top five fastest steel roller coasters from around the world. Go on and have a look at some of these heart-pounding facts, if you dare!