How Online Video Drives Brand Awareness

Video is a fantastic opportunity to produce content that informs, engages, and converts. Nearly 40% of companies are using video as part of their content strategy. In this infographic, see how video can help increase your brand awareness.

Email Wanted Dead or Alive

Rumor has it, email is dead. It seems that each time a new technology is introduced, people claim it will kill our reliance on email. Sure companies have access to social media, direct mail, and TV opportunities for communicating their message, yet email marketing is still the quickest and most direct way to reach the customer.

Does Your Facebook Page Need an Operation?

Socially Stacked thought using an “Operation” mentality — removing what doesn’t work and fixing what’s broken — would be a helpful way to give your Facebook Page a checkup. So what should you keep and what should you cut? Use this infographic to inspect the health of your business’s Page. For the areas you discover are weak, use the tips provided to get your Page into tip-top shape.

Copy Data

What is bigger than Big Data? Copy Data! 8 times as big in fact. Copy Data, the large volume of copies of production data created for various purposes in the enterprise, is the reason behind the explosive growth of data storage in most organizations. The analyst firm IDC recently completed a study of the size of this issue and came back with some shockingly large numbers.

Netspeak Reveals Digital Divide

New research has revealed a large knowledge gap between parents and teens. Only 30% of parents accurately identified definitions for common internet terms such as “ASL” (“Age, Sex, Location”), “YOLO” (“you only live once”) and others. Check out the following infographic to learn how teens (and savvy adults) are communicating online.

YouTube Sensationalism

In 1968, Andy Warhol was quoted as saying “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” YouTube has, by and large, facilitated the realization of this prophecy. Learn more about “YouTube Sensationalism” in this infographic by Hostgator.

Writing For the Web

This infographic entails interesting tidbits about how people read content on the web and it offers some helpful tips on how to make content eye catching.

Healthcare and Social Media

Social media remains a staying power in connecting people with businesses. As businesses invest in their clients by sharing experiences and knowledge via social media, clients learn to trust and depend on businesses. One of the most recent venues to enter the social media sphere is medical professionals. The healthcare field is reaping the rewards of investing their time and expertise into social media.

Alternate Fuels

Alternative fuels have been used throughout history by notable engineers like Henry Ford, who ran one of his first cars using the hemp plant (commonly known today as ethanol). However, gasoline became the number one fuel choice because it was the easiest commodity to obtain and had a low selling price. Over 100 years later, things have changed.

The Life Suckers of Small Businesses

In 2010, there were 27.9 million small businesses – that is, firms with fewer than 500 employees – in the United States. And though these companies represent every industry around, the fundamental challenges they all face remain the same. This infographic looks at the “life suckers” in small business.