8 Potentially Life-Threatening Situations in Everyday Life

This illustration, put together by Background Checks, identifies eight potentially life-threatening situations that you face in daily life–both online and offline. It explores common decisions such as selecting safe neighborhoods, dating online, choosing roommates, staffing your business and a few others that are often overlooked.

The Rise of Smartphones Over Digital Cameras

Smartphones and tablets are now almost in every household, and they are often even replacing traditional desktops or, even more surprisingly, digital cameras. This trend will only continue to grow and cause a bigger dent in the market that companies like Olympus or Cannon had.

Incarceration in the US: Dissecting the World’s Largest Prison Population

The United States has one of the greatest populations in the world. This is why crime is not uncommon. However, the prison system has needed to shoulder the burden that has been placed on it by the justice system. No other country places more people into the prison system than America. One percent of its population is currently in jail. This accounts for more than ten million crimes committed each year. There has to be a solution to the problem.

Social Media Shortcuts – Save Your Time On Social Media Platforms

Millions of people use social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus on a daily basis. However, few are aware that these four social media platforms have some nifty keyboard shortcuts that may help speed up the process of actually using them. Quintly shows us what these keyboard shortcuts are in the following infographic.

Is Someone Listening?

Wiretapping has been around since the invention of the telephone-and the government has been listening ever since. In 1928, the Supreme Court approved of wiretapping, along with using the recorded conversations as evidence. In 1945 the government takes it a step further by receiving microfilm copies of every telegram that enters and leaves the country-known as project Shamrock. Learn more about wiretapping – what it is and it’s history in this infographic.

Drunken Geniuses: Sharp as a Tack, Drunk as a Skunk

Over the last 55 years in the U.S. and U.K., several studies have been conducted that show a direct relationship between childhood intelligence and adult alcohol consumption. Controlling for a huge plethora of factors, the study reveals that it is intelligence itself that influences alcohol consumption, not all the things that accompany intelligence.