50 Quirky Facts About Cars
Cars, cars, cars! We all love them or at least rely on them on a day to day basis. Here are 50 quirky facts about our favorite means of transportation. History gets fun with this infographic.
Cars, cars, cars! We all love them or at least rely on them on a day to day basis. Here are 50 quirky facts about our favorite means of transportation. History gets fun with this infographic.
Strong winds and heavy rains left much of Liberty Island in devastation following Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. Eight foot surges left the island’s infrastructure in ruins, halting tourism. Although the island was nearly destroyed, the Statue of Liberty withstood the storm’s power and was unharmed.
Justin Poore brings us some really interesting and fun facts about the history of America’s independence, and the day that has become one of America’s most celebrated holidays. Share with your patriotic friends and enjoy!
Cold calling may still be the most effective, cheapest and quickest way to find new customers despite the explosive growth of social media and online marketing. From getting a targeted list, to picking up the phone, you can be talking to customers in minutes, and close your first deal within the first hour. All other channels require much more work and preparation and risk to market your business.
Mobile phones and smart devices have changed our way of living in the last decade. We no more use phone for making calls rather gaming, social networking and e-commerce has become our main focus. Here is an infographic which shows how mobile apps industry has grown over the years and how is it effecting the every aspect of our lives including economy, jobs and entertainment arena.
Ever noticed how the cars are really the biggest stars of “The Fast and the Furious” series of movies. That’s not by chance. This infographic provides some detailed information about some of the film franchise’s biggest stars.
It’s hard to believe, but you could actually walk away with more bacteria on your hands after washing with soap from a refillable bulk soap dispenser in a public restroom. The contamination could even include fecal matter. But how could this be? Check out the infographic from Gojo below to find out how this happens, discover smart alternatives for washing.
Science fiction imagines the future. This infographic from Glow New Media brings together 50 years of SciFi in movies and shows us how our imagination leads us into the future of computer interface design.
From all the weapons that are produced in the planet there are two models that stand out: the AK-47 and the AR-15. This infographic tells you all about them.
Online video consumption is growing at an alarming rate. When is the last time a week went by where you didn’t watch something on YouTube? Video is taking over. Total views continue to skyrocket and businesses are incorporating more and more video into their online marketing strategies. JLB Media looks at online video consumption by the numbers in the following infographic.