Superhero Life Expectancies

Have you ever wondered how long your favorite superhero might actually live if they existed? Which superheroes would be dead within (or close to) and average human lifespan, and which would be almost immortal? The following infographic from LifeQuotes4U takes a look at the life expectancies of our favorite comic book characters

Does Crime Pay? Greatest Heists on Record

Not every heist ends up like The Italian Job or similar scenario. In fact, more often than not, crime doesn’t pay. Even the most ambitious and well planned robberies have landed thieves in prison for decades. The folks at Fred Dahr Defense Attorney have put together an infographic to illustrate the most famous heists in history and determine if the crime really is worth the time.

The History of Programming Languages

Programming languages form the foundation inn a world of increasing inter-connectivity. However, did you know that the first programming language is over 100 years old and was written by a woman? It’s true! Check out the following infographic from Veracode as we delve into the history, evolution, and prevalence of programming languages over the years.

Just What Is Money Laundering?

Did you know that money laundering happens on a daily basis all around the world? This infographic, produced by visually, takes a graphical look at what money laundering actually is and how it is still in wide-use today.

All About Mother’s Day

Did you know that Mother’s Day has been around for almost a hundred years? The holiday was originally founded by Anna Jarvis and signed as a joint resolution by President Woodrow Wilson on on May 8th, 1914, designating the second Sunday in May to be a honorary day for mothers. Learn all about this holiday in the following infographic.

iOS vs Android

It’s billed as the battle of the century, at least as far as app developers are concerned; which has better ROI, Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android? Consumers are split: Apple have the single largest market share, Google have numerous manufacturers on their side; iOS dominates North America, Android wins out in Europe. Learn more about this battle between iOS and Android in the following infographic by Webdesigner Depot.

Spectacular Feats Of Modern Engineering

Engineering has been around for centuries but it’s only the latter half of the 20th century that technology has rapidly progressed, which has allowed mankind to build structures of unparalleled craft and engineering prowess. After reading up on this infographic, there is no doubt it will leave you in awe of how and what we’re capable of when equipped with some tools and sheer ingenuity.

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a common and disabling psychiatric illness that is often misdiagnosed in patients presenting with depressive episodes. Physicians should consider this diagnosis in all patients that are showing signs of depressive symptoms since up to 20% of those with unipolar depression will go on to develop a bipolar disorder. This disorder is even present in many well-known celebrities such as Catherine Zeta-Jones who has publicly spoken out about having the illness in order to encourage others to seek medical help.

The Mighty Empire of Disney

Disney has come a long way from its “it all started with a mouse” origins. What started as a cartoon studio in 1923 has grown into the largest media conglomerate worldwide by revenue and is inarguably the most familiar company in the world. The fact is that Disney has your attention and your dollars from the day you’re born until the day you die.

Pour de France

Headwater’s “Pour de France” takes in 7 world famous French wine regions and can either be broken into short 4, 6 or 8 night “stages”, or combined to make any length of holiday up to a maximum of 50 nights.