Teens and Mobile Phones

This infographic by Mobile Spy explores how teens use their mobile phones. Armed with an iPhone or Android, children find plenty of ways to spend valuable time with their device. Parents can find out exactly how their children use their phones without needing to stand over their shoulder every step of the way.

National Drowning Prevention Month

Floaties Swim School is proud to support May as “National Drowning Prevention Month. In an effort to provide information about water safety, drowning prevention, aquatic safety, and recreational activities they have created this infographic on drowning prevention.

A Facebook Guide to Travel

Thinking of booking a holiday? Before visiting your local travel agency, why not check out this infographic from Co-operative Travel. It has all the places recommended by Facebook so you can be sure to have plenty of fun in the sun!

How Facebook Graph Search Affects Your Privacy

The infographic below from Marketo illustrates how Graph Search might affect you personally and how to customize your privacy settings to better control who sees the content you post. It only takes a few clicks and a bit of knowledge to ensure all your content is only shared with and searchable by the people you allow. The power is in your hands, so make good use of it.

Amazing Things Only Mothers Do

At the moment, there are around 2 billion mothers in the world. On average, each mom has 2 babies. It is estimated that a middle-income mom may spend nearly $250,000 to raise a new child over the next 18 years. During the economic depression, mothers are willing to take a second job to make sure that their kids can go to the best schools.

The Most Amazing Construction Projects

Rock & Dirt has put together an infographic that highlights some of the top construction projects still around today. From the Great Pyramids of Giza to the US Interstate Highway System, this infographic outlines interesting facts about these projects with great visual representations. There are also a few amazing construction projects that made the list that you might not be aware of.

Why 2013 Is The Year For Small Business Funding

Due to the current state of the economy and the lack of financing from traditional lenders, like big banks, some may not think there is much hope of financing for small businesses, but they’d be wrong. 2013 is shaping up to be the year for small business funding. Learn more in this infographic from National Funding.

Does Your Home Size Measure Up?

The median family home size in 1982 was 1,520 sq ft. Twenty-five years later, the median size was a whopping 2,277 sq ft! Find out how much square footage costs across the United States, how cost of living changes throughout various cities, and see how your home size measures up against your neighbors in the following infographic by Quicken Loans.

Understanding Ecommerce Re-platforming

Would you like to increase conversions, decrease operation costs, and polish your ecommerce strategy? All of this and more is possible through a re-platforming of your online business. Times and technology change and you can bet that your competition is looking for ways to get ahead. A re-platforming can bring long-term, sustainable growth, while keeping up with the most recent technologies.