Your Email on Mobile: How Each Mobile OS Displays Your Message

As more mobile devices are introduced into the marketplace, the number of screen sizes we need to consider when designing email is exploding. This superabundance of screen sizes directly impacts the design and planning process—affecting how you determine breakpoints in media queries, lay out your design and use responsive design techniques.

NFL Draft 101

With the NFL Draft right around the corner, InetSoft Technology Corp thought it’d be a great idea to get some statistics and facts on the draft so they created an infographic titled “NFL Draft 101″. They started by examining the top ten NFL draft picks by position from 2002-2011. From there they took a closer look at the pro bowl starters from 2008-2013 and noticed that most starters come from the top 50 picks of the draft, but there were a surprising amount of undrafted starters that appeared in the Pro Bowl.

The Crime Fighters

Criminal Justice Degree Hub decided to profile some of America’s most famous justice seekers and crime fighters of the past century. This brave group made the biggest splash in the public consciousness. Find out who nailed their perps, and who let them slip through their fingers. Whatever the outcome of their most famous cases, they possessed persistence, guts and style, as well as a flair for staying in the public eye and became as famous as the criminals they were chasing.

20 Of The Greatest Supercars From The Last 20 Years

The motor industry has come in leaps and bounds over the last twenty years. New technologies have allowed for bigger, better and faster supercars. We’ve seen ferocious Ferraris and beautiful Bugatti’s, but which was the best? In order to help you decide, Romans International has assembled the 20 greatest supercars from the last 20 years. Which is your favorite?

The Evolution of TV Sitcoms

Sitcoms are 30-minute funny TV shows. Have you ever thought of how old this genre is? It’s actually older then the television, and the pioneers of sitcoms started yet with a radio. See how they have been coming through decades in this infographic by Custom Writing.

The Power Of SMS Marketing has just released their first infographic entitled “The Power of SMS Marketing”. The statistics shown here really help to explain why SMS marketing has grown so fast in popularity over the past few years. if you’re not familiar with SMS marketing, it’s a newer marketing method by which businesses and organizations send highly targeted, opt-in text marketing messages to their audience.

Why You Should Care Where Your Diamond Comes From

Why do so many couples care where their diamonds come from? Maybe the best answer to that question is that many diamonds are tainted by bloodshed and violence. But the ethical problems facing the diamond industry run deep, and are more varied than some people realize. In too many ways, diamond mining contributes to the exploitation of people and the environment.

TECH R US – Technology Development Stages for Kids

These days, children are getting their hands on mobile devices at a younger age every day. According to a new study, kids are ditching their nondigital toys by age three and turning their attention to smartphones and tablets. In fact, data shows that five-year-olds are using computers on a routine basis, and grade schoolers are getting mobile phones earlier each year, as well as joining multiple social networks. So, when is the right age to introduce children to technology?