The Science of Weight Loss

Losing weight doesn’t have to be an overly complicated endeavor, but it does require a basic understanding of how diet, exercise, and lifestyle are all related. Diet and exercise alone aren’t as effective as you might think, which is why the folks at Pritikin took the time to research “The Science of Weight Loss” and identify exactly what works and why.

5 Mistakes That Open the Door to Compromise From Hackers

Most people who have ever had to deal with a hacker know that it is not a fun scenario. The experts at Symantec reveal just how people and even businesses leave their computers open to compromise from hackers in the following infographic entitled, “Top 5 Mistakes – Ways People Leave Themselves Open To Compromise From Hackers.”

How to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and this infographic from Parenting Safe Children shows parents how to keep children safe from sexual abuse. It debunks common myths, suggests body-safety rules, and provides you specific questions for screening caregivers.

Pinterest For Small Business

No doubt, you have now heard about Pinterest which allows its users to organize and share content on virtual pin boards. But did you know that Pinterest can also be used as a valuable marketing & sales tool for small businesses? You most likely already have electronic images, brochures, and other collateral on hand. So why not pin them and begin to enjoy the benefits of this fast growing social media site?

Happy 70th Birthday Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken turned 70 years old on March 31st. To celebrate this landmark, Vue has put together a colorful timeline highlighting some of his major achievements as an actor and entertainer. Born as Ronnie Walken, the actor has been active in his profession since 1953 and is still going strong today.

13 Emerging Bands for 2013

Through analyzing social media growth captured from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube as well as artist data on new bands, Sonicbids is pleased to introduce you to the top 13 emerging bands for 2013 who are producing some of the best new music currently available.

Our National Parks: The Pride of America

The U.S. National Park System is home to some of the world’s most breathtaking and fragile environments as well as artifacts of cultural and historical significance from the Pre-Columbian era through the Civil Rights Movement. The Park System covers more than 84 million square acres and requires a budget of around $3 billon each year to maintain.

Web Hosting Simplified

What is web hosting? Simply put, web hosting is a service providing the availability of space on a server connected to the Internet. Ostensibly, this server space is used for hosting websites, although there are potentially numerous other reasons that one may want to employ the services of a web host. Hostgator simplifies the explanation of what web hosting ins in the following infographic.