How Much Can You Save from Using Solar Energy?

Solar power technology is an issue that revolutionizes over the past decades. It has become the cheapest source of power from its installation down to its maintenance. Here is an infographic that will give one an idea of how much energy savings they can bring to their lives.

The Rise of Cryptocurrency

Many people counted out bitcoin and all cryptocurrency a few years ago, but lately it is undeniable what a price run up it’s been on. Bitcoin is here to stay. Check out the following infographic for more on the bitcoin bull run, courtesy of Expensivity.

The Parts Of A Camping Tent Explained

When you are camping, your tent is your house. It gives you protection from the elements and privacy from those around you. But what do you know about how a tent is put together? Also, do you really know the different parts of a tent and their purpose? Here is an infographic describing the different parts of a camping tent and how they work. 

The Curious World of Deleted Tweets

With political and socially acute topics dominating social media discussions, it’s easy to get caught up in the heat of the argument and say something you’ll regret later. It’s therefore not surprising how many people opt for deleting their old tweets. Tweet Deleter analyzed how 205 million tweets were erased by their users in 2020 and summarized these deleted tweets in the infographic.

How Fast is the Planet Dying?

This sheet of depressing facts is brought to you by the team at  They sat down and combed through a bunch of environmental resources, papers and studies to come up with 26 statistics that are truly terrifying. From estimates on when fresh water will run out to facts about the extinction of our wild life, this information is scary and worrisome.

Digital Marketing for Industrial Companies

Whether you’re a service provider, distributor, or manufacturer, your digital marketing strategies should be tailored to your industry, business goals and target audience. The team at TopSpot has created an infographic that sums up why digital marketing is so important for industrial businesses.

Embracing Business Diversity: Is Technology the Answer?

Technology is an amazing tool and businesses are increasingly investing in it to help them create more inclusive work environments. This involves software that enables anonymous CVs, HR software that analyses business diversity and more. However, technology isn’t without its fault and the bias of many teams has been reflected in the inaccessibility of some technology.