37 Ways to Repurpose a Blog Post

This infographic offers 37 tips and ideas for writers, bloggers, businesses and content creators to repurpose their best blog posts and share them over the web in many different ways. It includes ideas for social media sharing, retargeting content for different audiences, using a great post to market yourself, creating different ways to present information, and more.

Get The Most From Your Music

This infographic traces the transformation of music over the last 100 years, from when we couldn’t even record or reproduce music to the digital age where music is everywhere all the time. It also touches on the resurgence of vinyl, and analog vs. digital.

The Brain: A User’s Guide to Emotions

As neuroscience researchers work to unravel the inner workings of the brain, we know more than ever before about the mysteries of where emotions originate in the brain and the connections between instinct, intelligence and emotion. This work is yielding fascinating insights that we can use to understand how we react to situations and people. The brain, which is a much more flexible organ that previously thought, can be consciously retrained to be more emotionally flexible, understanding and sensitive. The emotional functions of the brain are interwoven at many levels. These maps provide an overview of the major areas of the brain involved in processing emotions.

13 Things To Do In 13 Seconds

Send a text message, buy something on eBay, make a first impression and break into someone’s home – what do all of these occurrences have in common? Well, they all take 13 seconds or less to achieve. To further demonstrate just how short 13 seconds is, Home Secure Shop has published an infographic that illustrates some of the more and least surprising things that are possible in such a short space of time.

School Violence in the USA

School violence is youth violence that occurs on school property, which can occur on the way to or from school or at school-sponsored event. Want to know trends that contribute to school violence, what are various risk factors, and how it can be prevented? This infographic from Test Score Breakthrough lists important points through visually rich graphics.

A Century of Car Safety

From the Ford Model T to the well-oiled machines of today, the automobile has an illustrious history of evolution and reinvention. What was once a relatively slow-moving death machine has now become a lightning-fast safety bubble. Confused.com takes you on the journey of car safety’s evolution.