Boomers, Seniors & the Internet

In today’s world, it is often that Seniors and Boomers are often overlooked online. This infographic from Fathom uncovers their online activity, breaks down their internet usage frequency and offers senior-friendly website design tips.

HTML 5: Gateway To

HTML5 is big news – and it’s not surprising. It’s a major step forward in web design, bringing unprecedented capabilities and flexibility to the way sites are put together. It’s set to make a significant difference to the way brands develop their digital strategies and marketing plans – one which has the potential to enhance digital commerce and engagement, at a time when ecommerce and online retail is going from strength to strength.

Rise of the Angel Investor

The number of angel Investors and the amount of of dollars they’ve invested have significantly increased over the last ten years, allowing aspiring entrepreneurs more opportunities than ever to achieve success for their early stage companies. This infographic visualizes this significant increase in angel investors and invested dollars in the last decade, as well as where in the United States angel investors are currently making the most deals, and which industry sectors are being provided the most angle share dollars.

The Evolution of Modern Marketing Automation

This infographic from Marketo provides a visual interpretation of the evolution of modern marketing. Learn how advances in radio, television, the internet, social media, and the arrival of marketing automation technology has paved the way for modern marketing as we know it today.

Celebrating the Battery

Just imagine where the world would be without batteries! Having three grandkids and toys abounding, I always keep an ample supply of these power sources. With the recent “National Battery Day,” Batteries Plus has created an infographic for the event which provides some useful and historical data about batteries.

Earth’s Most Invasive Invaders

We all love b-movies; the horror, the stop-motion animation, the camp… Despite the dark subject matter, in its own way, it’s a warm, fuzzy world where all the bad-guys are bad and the good guys are wholesome, whiter-than-white, ‘Christopher Reeve’s, rather than gritty, conflicted ‘Christian Bale’s. Well, WE all love b-movies, and if YOU don’t, then you’re not one of us, and you will soon be assimilated.

Presidential Fun Facts

“Fun” and “quirky” aren’t typical terms that come to mind when you think of U.S. presidents’ personal lives, but you might be surprised! As the second infographic in a two-part series on our nation’s great leaders, The following infographic includes some fun facts about our commanders in chief.

NFL: The Twitter Connection

Until the advent of social sites like Twitter, club managers would make statements on behalf of their players. Today it is possible to have instant access to every player’s views of events both on and off the pitch. This infographic examines how their reputations stack up.

44 Reasons America Is Free

Something has been accomplished in the United States of America that sets it apart from any other nation in history — a gift we enjoy, but seldom recognize: in the United States of America, changes in the presidency are accomplished “by ballot, not by bullet.” Each of our 44 presidential elections were accomplished by the will of the people and resulted in a peaceful transition of power.

Toughest Special Forces in History

Conflict, unfortunately, has been a part of our world since civilization began. The need to have the upper hand in battle was recognized thousands of years ago, as special troops or warriors would train harder and better than their opponents to gain a battlefield advantage. These warriors still exist today in the likes of The US Navy Seals and the British SAS among others. Their logos are military icons that adorn popular culture and instill fear in the enemy.