Jan 8, 2013 | Lifestyle Infographics
Many people around the world from different countries are now making use of vaults and safes for their valuables safety. These item keepers are made from durable metals that are hardly destroyed by weather and other unexpected calamities that could happen. Considering these factors, there has been a forecast about the increase of demand for vaults this year. The increase of supply needed that was predicted by many businessmen is really big.
Jan 7, 2013 | Shopping Infographics
Ever noticed how whenever you’re shopping for a friend or a relative’s newborn baby, you always keep the parent’s lifestyle in mind? That’s because we know how vital they are to their children’s lives and we want to help them as best as we can during this stage of their family’s life. Whether you know people who are new to the parenting world or couples who are already experienced in raising a bunch of kids, this infographic can definitely help you find the perfect presents to give to their young ones.
Jan 7, 2013 | Historical Infographics
The ancient cultural traditions of Hawaii live on in the Hula. The dance is taught and performed today all around the world, including Japan, France, Germany and Mexico. Hula today is appreciated worldwide for its artistry and has been used by native Hawaiians to tell stories for centuries. Learn more in this infographic created by the Polynesian Culture Center.
Jan 4, 2013 | Transportation Infographics
With the growing popularity of alternative-fueled vehicles, the selection in design & the high-tech motors that power them have grown considerably. This infographic from Sinotech highlights their growth and how the BLDC Motor has played a large role in their development.
Jan 4, 2013 | Offbeat Infographics
Have you set goals for 2013? “Make a Change” is the New Year’s resolution game show, created by The Melaleuca Journal, in which you must check out! Scroll down this incredibly long graphic and learn some interesting statistics about New Year’s resolutions, and fill out the pretend application to get on the show.
Jan 4, 2013 | Law and Legal Infographics
The death penalty in the state of California continues to be a major focus, due in part to the burden it places on tax payers. The California Innocence Project has created the following infographic which examines the facts, and the facts alone regarding this issue. Even though Proposition 34 did not pass in the most recent election, this issue will continue to be argued and remain a pressing issue, especially during difficult economic times.
Jan 4, 2013 | Food & Drink Infographics
These days we live in a world full of tempting, tasty food everywhere we turn. New research from Weight Watchers reveals that it’s this overloaded food environment that causes us to overeat– it’s not just about lack of willpower! From browsing for breakfast cereals in our kitchen cupboards to grabbing a coffee on the go or piling on the pasta at dinner, we make an average of 200 food decisions every day. Around 90% of these decisions are unconscious – we don’t even notice them.
Jan 4, 2013 | Transportation Infographics
New Yorkers are faced with infinite struggles in their daily life including higher taxes, congestion, transportation delays, $5 cups of coffee, and so much more. But the one thing they have over any other city in the world is a safe, (usually) reliable, 24/7 means of public transportation – the subway.
Jan 3, 2013 | Internet Infographics
Every year Google makes more than 500 changes to their algorithm. E2M Solutions has gathered most important 27 updates in entire 2012 and put them all together in the following infographic.
Jan 3, 2013 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Having a bachelor party is one of the parts of wedding planning that many men look forward to, especially the groomsmen. Contrary to popular movies and beliefs, not all bachelor parties have to be about strippers and drunken antics. Although 47% of bachelor parties feature strippers, grooms can have a number of different bachelor party options ranging from a weekend at a popular destination or a day paintballing.