Heroin – The Most Addictive Drug Ever

Heroin is known as the most addictive drug ever, and with very good reason. Those who suffer from heroin addiction spend an average of $200 per day to maintain their habit. Although heroin comes from the natural-occurring morphine extracted from certain poppy plants, the effects are anything but natural. Sold as a white or brown powder or as a black sticky substance known as “black tar heroin,” the drug is highly addictive and often leads to cravings and intense withdrawal symptoms.

Happy New Year 2013!

It’s no secret that technology will play an increasingly large role in our lives in 2013, both in terms of the devices we use and the ways we spend our time. What are the New Year’s resolutions and challenges that you want to accomplish and/or overcome this year? Most likely, technology can help you achieve them.

Visit NYC!

So you are planning a trip to Manhattan? You may have some preconceived notions about what New York City is all about, so The Beekman Tower Hotel has put together a fun infographic to help you learn a little bit more about The Big Apple.

Bolt, Baumgartner & Beyond!

Here is an infographic entitled “Bolt, Baumgartner and Beyond” which highlights some of the world’s speed records. From the Spirit Of Australia’s unbroken 1978 water speed records of 317 MPH to Felix Baumgartner’s 700 MPH free fall from the stratosphere, all the fastest men and machines in the world contained within. From air to land, sea to rail, there’s no speed record you won’t find.

Facebook Wall Post Cheat Sheet (To Increase Interaction)

With many Internet marketing campaigns, success lies in the execution as well as the details of the execution itself. Below you will find an infographic created by LinchpinSEO titled “Facebook Wall Post Cheat Sheet to Increase Interaction”. It contains useful facts and figures about which types of content work best, how to get more likes, shares and comments, and how to use emoticons to get the most out of your wall posts.

Religion and Crime: Is There a Correlation?

Are there more individuals charged with property crimes, such as robbery and theft, in states that are less religious than others? In this infographic from Total Criminal Defense, we’ll investigate whether or not there is a correlation between religion and crime.

Which Christmas Character Are You?

It’s that time of year and as everyone knows, Santa will be visiting extremely soon. Everyone has a different attitude towards Christmas, from the extreme enthusiast to “The Grinch” (<-- this is me). In highlight of this, iHug has created a fun quiz / infographic which lets you discover what type of Christmas character you are.

Top-Grossing Christmas Films Since 1980

Christmas movies have a long and robust lineage in the history of the film industry. In recent decades, we have been blessed with a wide spectrum of Christmas-related films, starring some of our favorite actors and voice artists. Confused.com takes a look at the most popular examples.

Hungry Traveller: Foodie Facts

It’s been a busy couple of months for Hotel4U.com’s mascot, Harry Hotel. Having been off on his travels, rounding up the food on offer in some of the most popular city and beach destinations around the world, he’s now back in Blighty with a wealth of facts under his belt. They’ve put them all into this infographic, so you can enjoy swotting up on your culinary knowledge with the Hungry Traveller’s Foodie Facts.