Do Financial Challenges Cause Divorce?

Financial challenges and arguments are one of the biggest contributors to divorce. No surprise there. But is there a happy medium for marital finances? Yes and no, financial and relationship experts say. Learn more in the following infographic.

DIY Disaster Survival

Disaster has a tendency to strike when we least expect it. A natural (or man made) disaster rarely gives you a warning before turning everything you know and love upside down, leaving you with very little to protect you against its elements. That’s why it pays to take a page out of the Macgyver manual of survival and learn these handy tricks that will help you make the best out of the even the worst of situations.

Unintentional Injury Deaths

In 2010, 118,043 people died as a result of an unintentional injury, making it the 5th leading cause of death in the United States. Get the facts and learn how you can protect yourself from personal injury in the following infographic from Total Injury.

Small Business Reacts to 2012 Election Results

Cargo asked small businesses across the country how they’d be impacted by the presidential election results. Are they dusting off those “Help Wanted” signs? Or will they delay the groundbreaking on their second location? Well, the results are in, and you’ll be amazed at the trends that were discovered.

Christmas Crackers

Just in time for Christmas, Barker and Stonehouse has put together the following infographic which includes some weird and wonderful facts about Christmas dinners’ throughout the ages.

Tis The Season for DUIs

In December 2010, alcohol-related car accidents caused an average of 25 deaths per day, accounting for 30% of all motor vehicle accidents that month. New Year’s Day has been found to be the deadliest day of the year for drunk driving deaths. In this infographic from Total DUI, you’ll learn how to avoid a DUI arrest this season.

The Science of Bonking

Bonking, or Тhitting-the-wallУ is a feeling that athletes get when their bodyХs energy levels are depleted. Bonking results in nausea, cramping, fatigue, and usually a really bad rest of the day. The great thing is that with a little bit of science, bonking can be curbed or totally eliminated from your next long bike ride, run, or other endurance event. This infographic from Bonkkit shows you how to avoid the hurt in your next event.

Redefining Christmas Traditions With Artificial Christmas Trees

Every Christmas tradition begins somewhere, and those of us who follow Christmas tree trends know that more and more families are building their holiday traditions around artificial Christmas trees. Find out who’s buying artificial, where they live, and why more and more people are choosing artificial in Tree Classics’ infographic of real vs fake artificial Christmas tree facts.

The Cost of 12 Days of Christmas

It’s that time of year again, when everyone balances their purses against presents. According to the traditional Christmas song however, some lucky person might just get 364 presents, providing their ‘true love’ has $25,341.18 to spare! Whilst the drummers, pipers, lords and ladies would be perfect additions to most parties what do you do with the milking maids?