The Cost of 12 Days of Christmas

It’s that time of year again, when everyone balances their purses against presents. According to the traditional Christmas song however, some lucky person might just get 364 presents, providing their ‘true love’ has $25,341.18 to spare! Whilst the drummers, pipers, lords and ladies would be perfect additions to most parties what do you do with the milking maids?

Supersonic Santa vs Free-Falling Felix

Stories of Santa Claus have kept children at bay and in check for centuries, watching their behavior so Santa will be kind to them each Christmas. But Christmas Trees and asked, “how does he work his magic on Christmas Eve and keep all the good children happy? Did you ever wonder how Santa does it?”

Guide to Sleeping in an Airport

Occasionally, problems or delays at airports can mean you find yourself without a bed for the night. Various airports around the world now offer the option of renting a sleep pod for a few hours, but until every city takes up this idea the floor may be your bed for the night.

The Contentious State of B2B Content Marketing

Our friends over at MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute recently released The State of B2B Content Marketing in North America. It’s a fascinating report revealing insights into how B2B marketers are using content marketing techniques and the biggest challenges they face.

The Evolution of Web Self Service

Like many technologies, web self-service has undergone an evolutionary process over the years. But it’s only in the last few years where we’ve witnessed the most dramatic changes. The following infographic maps out this evolutionary process, beginning in 2009 with consumers growing increasingly tired of FAQ’s and other Help tools. By 2011, this dissatisfaction continues to grow and consumers begin adopting new self-service options.

The Changes in SEO for 2012

This infographic from Fuzz One Media demonstrates the changes in SEO over the last 18 months with Google’s Penguin and Panda updates, calling upon more creative content marketing that engages with your target audience – not just the search engines.