Buckle Up Those Seatbelts

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics indicate that seat belt restraint use by accident victims has risen 85% between the years of 2001 and 2010. The great news means that less people are losing their lives not wearing a seat belt. This increase in restraint use is extending the lives of thousands drivers and passengers across the nation.

Is America’s Vision 20/20?

If you are experiencing blurry or double vision, seeing halos around lights, or squinting more than normal, you might need new eyeglasses. Check out this infographic to learn how to properly care for your eyes.

Developing a Winning Sales Organization

After consulting companies on their sales processes for over 17 years, Sales Overdrive knows a thing or two about developing a successful sales force and growing companies. This infographic on “Developing a Winning Sales Organization” is a study of typical companies and how their sales organizations match up, as well as including some key imperatives for sales growth.

Can Google Play Beat iTunes and Amazon?

With a worldwide music industry now worth billions of dollars, Google is taking on the market leaders with it’s new service, Google Play. Fully integrated with the social network Google+, and with an increased market share of android devices, Google has the right qualities to make a big impact on the music scene. But can they beat iTunes and Amazon?

Visual Gold! The New Revolution of Content Marketing

The future of content marketing is found in visual content; infographics, photos, videos, memes, and other engaging content that captivates a viewer. For proof, check out the infographic below from the team at Marketo and learn how you too can build your content marketing campaign into a solid structure of visual gold.

Philadelphia Food and Restaurant Guide

Philadelphia has become a foodie hot spot in recent years. Check out this Philly Food Guide from EZmini.com to learn about some of the top restaurants to eat at when in Philly. It offers hand-picked suggestions on what to order, and what is special at each restaurant or food truck.