Women vs Men: Who’s the Better Investor?

The ultimate question: Men or Women? rplan is breaking it to pieces (investment-wise) with their new infographic. Wonder who makes more rational decisions or who’s the bigger risk-taker? Who does research and who asks around for advice? Want to know who is the better investor? All that and much more in the latest ‘Men vs. Women’ infographic.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the biggest shopping days in the US. Did you know last year the average US shopper saved 22% on their Black Friday shopping cart? This year, 150 million Black Friday bargain hunters will choose to surf the net for savings as opposed to visiting the stores.

New World of Next Generation Mobile Apps

As smartphones and tablets have become the norm, more and more of us rely every day on mobile applications. From your favorite weather tracker or news app to Angry Birds, developers all around the world are hard at work bringing new and innovative applications to mobile devices. But what are the tools that enable developers to make more innovative apps?

The Dark Night Rises: Black Friday Madness

The dark night is upon us. Once a year people across the country, full of turkey and a bit of holiday cheer gather together, in search for the lowest prices. Here is an infographic that looks at the history of Black Friday, some interesting stats and the rise of popularity of Cyber Monday.

Dangers of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is becoming more and more common every day. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that there are over 15 individuals killed as a result of distracted driving every day. This infographic provides a visual aid to the important facts, statistics, and dangers of distracted driving.

The Hidden Costs of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an awesome day of food, friends and family and of course – football! However, this day of indulgence isn’t free. Whether it’s triple-digit calorie counts, rage-inducing airport delays or a big bill from the plumber on Black Friday, you may be spending more than you think on Thanksgiving. This infographic looks at the “hidden costs of Thanksgiving.”