Smartphone Apps for Healthy Living
There is an increase in the number of health related apps users are downloading as well as increasing benefits for health professionals. Learn more in the following infographic from
There is an increase in the number of health related apps users are downloading as well as increasing benefits for health professionals. Learn more in the following infographic from explores the widespread adoption of driverless vehicles which promises more roadway efficiency, less accidents due to distracted driving, and greater access to motor vehicles for people of all ages and abilities.
Software solution specialists, MSM Software, in partnership with Computing Magazine, surveyed 200 senior IT professionals in a bid to see how the industry could be improved. What they found was a recurrent theme of unfinished or unsatisfactory projects as well as blown budgets, with a whopping two thirds of IT professionals admitting to involvement in a project which has failed to live up to expectations.
Time to get ready for food, travel and shopping with this Thanksgiving infographic from Nationwide Bank. See which dishes were served at the first Thanksgiving and how much money Americans will spend during Black Friday weekend this year.
What are the best handguns for women? In most cases, guns that are easy to shoot, but that pack a lot of firepower. Ready Holster has researched dozens of guns and has put together the 10 that they feel are the best for women. How about you women reading this? Do you agree?
Piper Fire Protection has developed an in depth infographic with both statistics and information to help people stay safe while in their workplace environment. Everyone should be cautious of fires no matter if they are at work or at home. Many people overlook workplace fire safety thinking they are safe or it can NEVER happen to them. But remember, a fire can happen anywhere, at any time. So, be responsible and always be aware of your surroundings.
Want to know some cool facts & figures about the greatest investors of all time? Wondered which one of them payed his college fees with poker winnings? Who has a Ph.D in philosophy? Which one of them is the richest and who broke the bank of England? Check out the following infographic from rplan about the biggest names in stocks and investments plus a little extra about the richest person in history.
Losing your identity to fraudsters can set off a chain reaction of damaging events for you, your family or your business. Shredding sensitive documents is one of the most cost-effective ways to prevent fraud and identity theft. Find out the dangers and start looking after your information before it’s too late in the following infographic by Robert Dyas.
There is plenty to fear, especially on Halloween. But what should we really be afraid of? Poisoned candy? Nope. Child abduction? Not likely. Diabetes and lead-based paints? Apparently so. What things are you worried about this Halloween? Take a look at the spooky stats we’ve rounded up in this Halloween infographic.
For centuries, people have claimed that the eyes are windows to the soul. Scary contact lenses are the secret to every Hollywood producer’s transformation of actors into the most stunningly-familiar, memorable and poignant creatures. With custom contact lenses you can truly and authentically become your favorite classic monster, Hollywood goolie, undead scene-stealer, or classic beast.