Time Management for Students

The Time Management for Students infographic is an in-depth look at how the average college student spends their time during the week. In addition, it provides the Top 5 Time Management Tips to help students use their hours more effectively.

The Complete Guide to Calories

Calories are how we measure the energy that our body uses for fuel. These calories “power” our bodies’ vital processes such as breathing, pumping blood and even sleeping. In this infographic by Greatist, learn more about what calories are and how to maintain a good calorie intake in maintaining a healthy weight and diet.

Choosing Disneyland Hotels on a Budget

Finding the right mix of accommodations, ticket packages and dining options can help you make the most of your next trip to Disneyland no matter what your budget. Whether you want to get the most value on a small budget or you are looking for a complete, deluxe vacation, Hotels.com offers some simple tips you can follow to make sure your next trip is truly memorable.

Crime Rates in America

The 2012 US census is a fascinating statistical look at a wide range of factors impacting life in the United States, not least of which is the effect of crime – robbery and burglary in particular. Using the data from the Robbery and Property Crimes report (PDF), the following infographic takes a look at crime in modern America

How iPhone 5 Has Affected the Smartphone Market

AYTM Research has conducted a detailed market research study of the smartphone market as it stands now towards the end of 2012, and created the following infographic which examines what consumers looking to get a new smart phone are most interested in, particularly looking at the iPhone market.

The Importance of RDFa

RDFa or Resource Description Framework – in – attributes is basically a way to code your website content in order to have it make sense to the search engines. When a bot crawls your page, it doesn’t really know what the content means. With RDFa, your content can now make sense to the bots which will make your site more searchable.The following infographic by MIND Development and Design shows why incorporating RDFa into your web site is becoming more important.

The History Of the Web Clone Industry

The infographic from Reputationsverteidiger.de shows entrepreneurs how they can protect themselves against companies, who are specialized in cloning. The graphic also sheds some light on the growth the industry has received over the past 10 years.