Aug 27, 2012 | Technology Infographics
The following infographic from looks at various modern printing methods, from laser to inkjet, and how they have developed over the past decade. Included is a timeline of printing, how printers work, how much energy they use and the disposal and recycling of the cartridges.
Aug 25, 2012 | Offbeat Infographics
Many people are surprised to learn that nearly all cows used for milk are born with tissue that will develop into horns. But that’s just one of many secrets that farmers in the dairy industry keep from consumers. Want to learn more? Check out the infographic below from PETA for a glimpse at what life is like for cows on dairy farms.
Aug 25, 2012 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Two of the most popular racing circuits are NASCAR and INDYCAR. The following infographic from Quicken Loans Racing examines the differences between these two popular motor sports and additionally provides some interesting statistics.
Aug 25, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
Art and color can define your personality and style. This fun and colorful infographic provides a visual guide that will help you to discover your perfect art style. So, travel down this artistic flow chart, taking detours that are shaped by your personal preferences, all the way down to your favorite art genre.
Aug 24, 2012 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
This infographic from is dedicated to the “nerd characters” that graced our living rooms in the past and gave us a lifetime of fun memories. One such example is the character of Ugly Betty to name a few. I am pretty sure that viewers will agree with me that these nerd characters on TV have made some shows more fun to watch.
Aug 23, 2012 | Technology Infographics conducted a survey to aggregate the opinion of dozens of the best and most-talented graphic designers in the industry. The results were turned into a success factors/guide document in form of an infographic. This year the survey included more than 40 industry experts that have 5+ years of experience. This infographic reveals what the graphic design pros place emphasis and importance on.
Aug 23, 2012 | Technology Infographics
Couponing is an age-old practice that serves the dual purpose of saving consumers money while generating sales for businesses. QR codes, traditionally used in the automobile industry, are a more recent mobile marketing phenomenon. Appearing anywhere and everywhere from billboards to cereal boxes, QR codes are now finding great utility as coupons.
Aug 22, 2012 | Marketing Infographics
Freelancers and agencies spend a lot of time figuring out how much to charge, but not how to present their fees to clients. Research shows that the right presentation can result in more projects being approved with more revenue for each project. Bidsketch proposal software proves this point in the following infographic.
Aug 22, 2012 | Home & Garden Infographics
Who doesn’t appreciate a nice shape? That’s what this infographic is all about. (Light bulb shape that is). Take a delightful, illustrated journey through the thrilling world of screw-in light bulbs, the most popular light bulb variety by far. Learn how to differentiate all kinds of screw-in light bulbs from the standard household A-lamp to the more exotic light bulbs like globes, tubular lamps, and so many more.
Aug 21, 2012 | Historical Infographics
The following infographic from Victor Pest Control takes a look at some of the world’s most influential people, all of who were “Made in the USA.”Learn who has made significant impacts on history both nationally and globally.