Jul 31, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
Many people feel that they’re drinking safely, but they often do they have misconceptions about how much they can actually drink before they are drunk?. The following infographic from Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab is a guide to help answer some of these questions.
Jul 25, 2012 | Food & Drink Infographics
This summer, Applegate has invited people across the country to confront that haunting question: What’s in Your Hot Dog? While the answer can be scary, once you’ve found a well-made dog, the fun begins and you can focus on what to put on your hot dog in order to maximize deliciousness. This infographic helps to guide this doggy discovery process and make it more fun.
Jul 25, 2012 | Marketing Infographics
When was the last time you clicked on an online ad? Never? Well boy are you in for a surprise! This infographic by WordStream shows how online advertising has gone a long way since the days of obnoxious banner ads. Slowly but surely, a shift from free clicks to paid ones is happening.
Jul 20, 2012 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Did you know that the dog’s basic physiology hasn’t changed in hundreds of years? It only makes sense to base a dog’s diet on what canine ancestors ate–a balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Yet, modern pet foods have substantially changed what our dogs eat. To learn more about optimum canine health (and other dog food facts), take a look at the following infographic.
Jul 20, 2012 | Home & Garden Infographics
Every time I hear about someone having to move, I cringe. I’ll be honest – not only do I NOT want to help but I also think about the horror if I ever had to move again (we have too much stuff). Are you in the same boat? Well you are not alone and will probably feel like your next move is a piece of cake after seeing some of the biggest moves in history, all laid out nicely in the following infographic from VanLines.com.
Jul 20, 2012 | Marketing Infographics
Want to spend less time on social media and get more business out of it? This handy social media checklist from the Smart Inbound Marketing Team at The Whole Brain Group helps businesses take a sensible approach to setting goals on the most popular social media networks, including Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!
Jul 19, 2012 | Transportation Infographics
America’s big three auto manufacturers have been battling it out for decades. In the last few years, they’ve taken their diesel rigs to the next level. Serious improvements have been made to the engines, making them more capable than ever. The following infographic breaks down the differences so you can understand the differences and see how each engine performs.
Jul 19, 2012 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Not so much an infographic in my opinion but I thought I’d post this here simply because it is fun. It features movie characters wearing t-shirts from 55 different movies and/or television shows through out the years. Can you guess who each person is? Answers are at the bottom but don’t cheat!
Jul 19, 2012 | Historical Infographics
Would you believe the first swimming pool was build in the 3rd century BCE? Or that the first swimming pool aboard a cruise ship was built in 1912? Just in time for swimming season, Hohne Pools has created an infographic on “The History of Swimming Pools.”
Jul 18, 2012 | Political Infographics
Have you ever wondered how social is changing the political landscape? Which is more powerful – Facebook or Twitter? Or are they both essential ingredients for political success? Let’s find out in this infographic published by social marketing platform – ZynQo.