Jul 18, 2012 | Technology Infographics
A QR Code (Quick Response Code) is a two-dimensional matrix barcode is known for its speed of readability and its vast range of utility, originally developed in the mid-1990′s for use in the automobile industry. Learn more about QR Codes and how they work in the following infographic from Wasp Barcode
Jul 17, 2012 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
The Olympic games are some of the most expensive mega events the World has ever seen. This infographic from Payday Loans provides information about the rising cost of the games.
Jul 17, 2012 | Transportation Infographics
Riding a motorcycle can be much more dangerous than driving a car. You’re not protected by four sides of steel and you don’t weigh 2,000 pounds. Drivers can often miss you and end up colliding with you if you’re not careful. The following infographic can give you a number of good ideas that will help you keep yourself safe by becoming a smart motorcycle rider and avoiding the most common causes of motorcycle accidents.
Jul 16, 2012 | Pets & Animals Infographics
I’m one of the few guys that I know that likes cats. In fact, I love cats, from the big wild ones to the domesticated house cat. I’m also one of the few guys that does not care for dogs. I like certain breeds but for the most part, give me a cat over a dog any day of the week! Whether you’re a cat or dog person, or both, you’ll want to check out this cute infographic to learn why cats are the most popular pets online.
Jul 16, 2012 | Offbeat Infographics
In a time of apocalyptic predictions, where many believe that a major catastrophic event can happen any second, the demand for certain products has risen to a level that amazes even suppliers and manufacturers themselves. Shelter builders, survival kit makers, gun manufacturers, power generator suppliers and even movie producers, are some of the main business sectors that are making the most out of the current “doomsday economy”.
Jul 16, 2012 | Travel Infographics
I’ve been to Oahu twice now and the second time was much more enjoyable due to the part of the island we stayed at (Ko Olina) as well as the parts of the island we visited the most. However, there is so much more to see. There’s Kauai, Maui, Hawaii (the big island) as well as some smaller less commercialized islands. So which one to see on the next visit?
Jul 16, 2012 | Pets & Animals Infographics
EntirelyPets conducted a Facebook Poll as to what people feel are the cutest dog breeds in America. The poll looked at overall appearance and characteristics as well as celebrity factor. Discover out if your dog made the cutest dog breed list as well as learn some facts about each breed represented.
Jul 13, 2012 | Marketing Infographics
A lot has changed for marketers since the glamorous era depicted in AMC’s hit show Mad Men. The modern day marketer wields more technology, control, and impact than Mad Men could have ever dreamed of. The infographic below from Pardot compares the Mad Men era ad men to modern day marketers to show just how the art of influence has evolved.
Jul 12, 2012 | Marketing Infographics
In the race to win over customers and win out over the competition, brands today are inundating consumers with a barrage of brand messages and ads. The following informative infographic reveals the kinds of communications and content considered most relevant and trustworthy by consumers, as well as the advertising formats and formulas winning the battle for brand believability.
Jul 11, 2012 | Law and Legal Infographics
How does not being able to pay for a private attorney affect the outcome of cases? That is the question explored by this infographic published by Criminal Justice Degree Schools that compares private attorneys and public defenders. Learn about some of the statistics about having representation from a public defender, which 4 out 5 criminal defendants qualify for.