A Raw Chocolate History

In the following infographic, take a journey through our 4000 cocoa years to discover how our view of chocolate and cocoa has changed, evolved and devolved. Only in the last 200 years has chocolate been available to the masses, and with that so the ultra-nutritious capabilities have been lost.

What Is THAT In Your Suitcase?

Another look at some of the strangest things found by customs in traveler’s luggage. This a light-hearted infographic that details some the strangest and most random items found and confiscated at customs.

Internet Explosion: Analysis of New gTLDs

On June 13, 2012, ICANN announced 1,930 applications for new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) were filed by 1,155 applicants. This expansion will spur an explosion of Internet growth, but the influence of big money could concentrate gTLDs in the hands of a few key players. The following infographic, produced by .Nxt, breaks down the amount of applications, key players and money involved.

7 Reasons Why You Should Speed Up Your Site

Site speed and loading times are huge factors not just for search engine search rankings but also in how much cash you could very well make, and lose. The following infographic, explore 7 reasons why you should make sure your web pages load quickly.

UCF Knights Football – A History

This infographic takes a look at some of the stats regarding the University of Central Florida football team. Since the inaugural football season in 1979, UCF has seen some tremendous growth in their program. With the newly built on-campus stadium and the 50 thousand students now attending the university has seen ticket sales increase, home attendance as well as ticket revenue increase.

First Pets: Presidential Pets Throughout History

“Bo Obama” has certainly received his share of media coverage, but he’s actually just the latest in a long line of critters who’ve called the White House home. While 68 percent of our presidents have owned dog, other animals have also lived at this address — such as cats, canaries, goats, horses and even cows. The following infographic takes a look as some “first pets” history.

Fire Safety on the 4th of July

There are typically more fires reported on July 4th than any other day of the year. Plus, thousands of BBQ-attendees are sent to the emergency room each year due to holiday-related injuries. Don’t skip the party! Just be aware of these July 4th safety tips brought to you by Brightnest as you celebrate.

Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day also known as “4th of July” is considered to be one of the most important holidays in U.S. as it celebrates the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. The following infographic takes a look at numbers behind the 4th of July.

An Explosive Display: Fun on the 4th

It’s July 4th again! Check out this infographic from Military VA Loan which includes some interesting facts about how we get our flags, how the 4th is actually the most dangerous driving day of the year, and more. No matter what, make sure you have a safe and fun holiday celebrating America’s history.

How Designers Can Deal With a Creative Block

Creative Block is known to render one useless. It’s feared and dreaded by all creative individuals. Even graphic and logo designers are prone to this. This infographic provides info regarding the causes of creative block and 10 fun stress busting ways.