Funny Excuses to Avoid a Ticket

Obviously, the best way to avoid a speeding ticket is to avoid speeding in the first place. But sometimes people run late and make mistakes. The odds are extremely high that most drivers will be pulled over for speeding at some point during their driving years. But before you try to talk your way out of the ticket, take a look at this list of commonly used excuses, created by team.

What America Does at Night

Ever wondered what America does with its free time at night? Clubs? Bars? Nightclubs? All of the above? Check out this infographic to see the stats on the most popular activities and what cities are the most popular for nightlife.

The Price of Free

Some things in life are indeed free. But for a small fee, you can upgrade to something even better. At least that’s the basic principle of the fermium model, a hot phenomenon in the cloud-run small business world. How does its economy work and what makes it so popular among businesses and consumers alike?

The Science of Getting Drunk

For better or worse, getting drunk and getting an education go hand in hand at college. takes a look at the science behind the intoxification process. Plastered, wasted, three sheets to the wind; whatever you call it, all drinkers go through pretty much the same biological process to arrive at the destination of intoxication.

Anatomy of a Shark Attack

You have probably heard the stories about sharks attacking humans. You may have even watched one of the popular movies about shark attacks. If you go swimming in the ocean what are the odds that a shark will actually attack you? Should you be afraid to go swimming in the ocean? The real facts about shark attacks just might surprise you. Check out the infographic from below to learn more about shark attacks.

The Sacred Order of Geeks

Spawned from the union of yesterday’s memes and obsessive technophiles, the mythical empire of geekdom has been steadily expanding for decades, evolving and diversifying at each turn. Though hailing from different territories of geek, each new variety marches under the same banner.

The Importance of Mobile for Local Business

As mobile technology improves, we will continue to see a shift from computer internet browsing to browsing on mobile devices. Ensuringthat your business listings are accurate and updated to reflect the most up-to-date information can be the difference between a searcher choosing your business or your competition’s. If you don’t think customers are using mobile devices to find business, take a look at the infographic below published by Yext.

What Is An Infographic?

Infographics are a fun and easy way to learn about a topic without a ton of heavy reading. And while there are many different styles of infographics and data visualizations, the main goal for all infographics is that they be shared socially. This infographic will help you to learn what makes a great infographic, why they are useful for everyone, and some numbers to back up their resourcefulness.

How Pinterest Drives Ecommerce Sales

Pinterest is now the 3rd most popular social network site in the world! Shopify analyzed data from +25K online stores and shows their findings (including conversion rate, average cart size..etc..) in this infographic to demonstrate how Pinterest is driving ecommerce sales.

Is Your Bad Boss Killing You?

A recent survey found that U.S. employees spend an average of 13 hours during the workweek and 6.2 hours over the weekend worrying about their boss says or does. Together that adds up to 19.2 hour a week of lament over bad boss woes.