Get in the Loop – Raising Awareness for Lupus

May is seen as time to come together and help raise national awareness for all the forms of lupus. It is a time to show support for the estimated 1.5 million people in the United States who are affected by this chronic autoimmune disease. With the following infographic, which contains data and statistics on this disease, Achieve Clinical Research hopes to help raise awareness for lupus patients and their families.

Low Back Pain By the Numbers

Most Americans (61 percent) experience low back pain, but physical therapists can help regain mobility, activity and health by relieving the source and not just the symptoms of pain. Check out the infographic below, published by, for more statistical facts on low back pain.

20 Sobering DUI Statistics

This infographic has 20 very sobering DUI statistics that hopefully will make you think twice before driving under the influence. Remember, in some states if you are pulled over for a DUI and blow less than .08% BAC, you could still be arrested and convicted of a DUI if the officer believes that your ability to drive safely has been impaired by alcohol. For the safety of others and yourself, the smart choice is always not to drink and drive.

It’s All About the Images

Images make everything online better. And that’s a good thing considering how several big shifts in the social media world are now placing a bigger emphasis on using high-quality photos and/or images within content. Just how much does adding images to your content matter?

Anatomy of a DUI

So what is the real cost of a DUI? What’s involved in the DUI process once you’ve been arrested? This helpful infographic offers a nice visual look into the anatomy of a DUI. So if you’re drinking don’t drive, if you’re driving don’t drink.

Father’s Day vs Mother’s Day

When it comes to receiving gifts, fathers get the short end of the stick. In June, a simple BBQ and necktie will suffice while in May, gold and diamonds handed out over fancy dinners is the norm.In this infographic from Mrs. Fields, the two holidays are explored and compared.

Dine and Dish: Are Social Media and Food the Perfect Pairing?

Currently, 49 percent — or nearly half — of surveyed consumers learn about food through social networks, and 9 percent have downloaded a mobile food app in the past year. From tweeting about the delectable belgian waffle they just ate and discovering recipes on image-centric cooking blogs to checking into the hottest new restaurants, more food-obsessed Americans are turning to social technology to help satiate their cravings.

The College Try: How To Pick The Right School

Picking a college is never an easy decision. For most students, the choice is not simply a matter of where to spend the next four years, but more importantly, the institution their names will be attached to for a lifetime. With so much at stake — degree programs, career placement, alumni networks — it pays to look at the big picture instead of deciding impulsively.

How to Survive Your Monster-In-Law

Now I actually love my mother(monster)-in-law. We get along great. It’s her sister that I can’t stand. That being said, there are plenty of guys and gals that cannot stand their mother-in-laws and dread the thought of a visit. This infographic provides some tips on how to survive your next encounter with the “monster-in-law.”