History of Savings Accounts

In this infographic you will find the history of savings accounts and how it became what it is today. There is a lot of interesting facts and statistics available like how traces of savings accounts dates back to the 1500s.

The Many Faces of the Internet User

The web is a menagerie of personalities, personas, and psychos, and you are likely to encounter several types of characters in your online travels. Take this guide with you as you journey deep into the dark heart of the Internet.

Bumper to Bumper: Traffic Accidents in England & Wales

The number of cars on the road has increased steadily over the last few decades, so you’d expect the number of road accidents and casualties to have increased along with it. But think again. Confused.com outlines some surprising changes in the number of accidents and vehicle-related offenses in England and Wales over time.

The Great Disruption: Future of Personal Tech

Whether we’re happy about it or not, our technology changes at a breakneck pace with all technologies eventually being overcome by new innovations. In the business world this kind of tech is known as “disruptive technology.” In this infographic, look at many of the crucial disruptions that have brought us to today’s tech.

The American Construction Industry

Did you know China is currently the world’s largest construction site? How about the fact that the average annual pay for a construction worker in 2010 was $44,000? Who are the top 10 largest contractors in the United States as of right now? This and other data on the construction industry in an infographic published by Rock & Dirt.

Ticket to Ride: The Cost Of Uninsured

More than 1 million motorists in the Uk are uninsured, though that number is significantly lower compared to just five years ago. Still, the hordes of uninsured motorists cause a huge strain on law-abiding road users and the economy as a whole. The following infographic looks at some of the statistics surrounding uninsured drivers and the costs associated with them.

Work at Home Statistics

Nowadays, working from home has become a very common practice. With all the tools and technology at our disposal, all you need is a spark of creativity and your own your way to establishing yourself and building something you can call your own. The following infographic shows some interesting statistics on working from home.