How Barcode Scanners Work

Barcodes – they’re everywhere and on just about everything. But how do these black and white striped graphics work and how they are properly read with a barcode scanner? Wasp Barcode has outlined a few barcoding basics, including how a barcode scanner works in their latest Infographic.

From One Earth Day to the Next

Things are always in motion on Earth. Life is never static as we are constantly inhaling and exhaling, producing and consuming, enjoying and reflecting, and birthing and dying. This infographic, published by our friends at Best of the Web, reveals some interesting occurrences in a day on the Earth and how what happens impacts every single one of its inhabitants.

Landing Page Optimization

Landing page optimization is an internet marketing strategy in which different layouts of a webpage are compared and tested for performance. In this infographic, landing page optimization is first defined followed by illustration of the concept of comparing different Calls-to-Action using a fork in the road with 3 similar, yet slightly different billboards.

Is Personalized Search Getting Too Personal?

The constant evolution toward a more personalized search experience is being met with major opposition from Internet users who are concerned about their privacy. Pew Research’s Internet and American Life Project conducted a study to reveal what users perceive and believe about the impact of personalized search in which MDG Advertising compiled the surprising results into an informative infographic

The Case for Beer

Beer – one of the oldest beverages produced by humans. In fact records dating back to 2050 B.C. show evidence of the beer trade and brew recipes. And while beer doesn’t often get much credit for being a beneficial beverage, the evidence is starting to reveal that beer is just as heart-healthy as wine.

Lead Lifecycle Analytics

Marketing automation is about more than just email marketing. According to Gleanster survey results, 43% of top performers are actually utilizing marketing automation to automate the lead life cycle. This infographic from Act-On takes a look at this in further detail.

Leverage Yourself as an Expert by Using Social Media

Conduct some research on the most well known people in your field or industry and they probably all have one thing in common: They voice their opinions on and off the Internet and have publicly displayed contact information on one or more social media platforms. The following infographic looks at how one can leverage themselves via social media.

The Google Diet

Google is known for its data and how it optimizes its community – but did you know that they also optimize their own employees? Using their internal “People Analytics” program, Google looks at how their employees eat in their free cafeteria and optimizes it so they’re healthier, make better eating decisions, and are more productive through that process.

Social Networking Bill of Rights

As our lives become increasingly digital, many of us share more and more on social media sites. Consequentially, employers and colleagues have started to request access to our personal profiles as a way to learn more about us. Should the same standard of privacy we’ve come to expect offline apply online as well?