Oct 9, 2020 | Health Infographics
There are approximately 19 million women in the U.S. who live in contraceptive deserts, or areas without reasonable access to a full range of birth control options. Some women may have to travel long distances and take time off work in order to obtain birth control. The following infographic from YourLawyer.com analyzes which U.S. states offer the best and worst access to birth control across the county.
Oct 8, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Video games are a showcase of creativity, innovation, and determination. Exploring the transportation that game designers have created highlights just how visionary video games truly are. This infographic is a collection of video game vehicles from games that span decades. There are spaceships, cars, stagecoaches, flying machines, mech suits, horses, and even giant yellow birds all illustrated to scale.
Oct 8, 2020 | Transportation Infographics
Car accidents account for 1.35 million deaths per year around the world. It is the leading cause of death for both children and young people between 5 and 29. Speed related crashes in the United States cost American drivers over 40 billion dollars a year. This map displays the deadliest states in the US for fatal car accidents per 100,000 people.
Oct 7, 2020 | Marketing Infographics
The SMS market is set to explode, with the number of text-capable phone subscriptions worldwide recently surpassing a whopping 5.1 billion. Check out the following infographic to learn more about the growth of the B2B SMS market broken down by industry and use case, consumer insights, and predictions for top future trends in the business messaging space.
Oct 7, 2020 | Transportation Infographics
Each day, an average of 29 people across America lose their lives in car crashes that involve a drunk driver. That’s one death every 50 minutes! In 2016 alone, 28% of all traffic-related deaths in the U.S. were a result of crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers, amounting to 10,497 lives lost. In this infographic, learn which U.S. counties have the most alcohol-impaired driving deaths.
Oct 6, 2020 | Technology Infographics
One aspect of digital transformation is that organizations struggle to get right is the identifying, capturing, managing and analyzing of big data. Organizations must be strategic in how they approach the collection, management and analysis of their data if they want to find the gems of insight that will provide them with a competitive edge. This infographic covers the different aspects of Big Data like what is it and challenges in managing it and why is it so popular.
Oct 2, 2020 | Offbeat Infographics
Electric bikes, scooters, and bicycles are increasing in popularity due to their low environmental impact and cost-saving benefits. They also give people an opportunity to get outside and exercise. As the number of cyclists on the road increases, so do the number of accidents. Unfortunately, these accidents can lead to serious injury or even death. Here is an infographic that looks at the 50 deadliest U.S. counties for bicyclists.
Sep 30, 2020 | Business Infographics
Like any business that is started from the ground up, a lawn care business takes a lot of time and preparation. Having a good business plan is essential in an industry such as lawn care. This guide from Bradley Mowers looks at these points and walk you through some of the most important steps that need to be taken in order to start a successful lawn care business.
Sep 28, 2020 | Finance & Money Infographics
We all have different kinds of relationships with money, but we all share the same goal towards having a stable income and security to provide for our own needs tailored to our chosen lifestyle. What does it take to achieve this financial freedom? Here is a visual roadmap to show you that it is not impossible to get there.
Sep 28, 2020 | Technology Infographics
Microsoft Office 365 is a revolutionary service from Microsoft designed to unify various business processes for smooth and efficient operations. But don’t forget about safety, compliance and control of your data. Without a third-party data protection solution, your business will be in constant danger of accidental data deletions, data corruption, ransomware threats, and many other threats.