Mar 23, 2012 | Education Infographics
Rules for capitalization vary by language, country and even word usage. Simple rules for capitalizing proper nouns and writing the pronoun “I” in capital letters are helpful, but they don’t provide clear answers for every situation. This infographic from contains a few tips that are useful for determining when all capital letters should be used or when the first character needs to be written in capital letter form.
Mar 23, 2012 | Finance & Money Infographics
Tax day is upon us! What will you deduct and what will you actually get away with? Check out some of the strangest things taxpayers have deducted legitimately as well as those that have failed , and which celebrities got nabbed for not paying taxes at all in this infographic.
Mar 22, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
Every day, men and women take to their cars to ferry them across town and country in the United Kingdom. But many of them are distracted in multiple ways. surveyed 2,000 people to find out what potentially dangerous driving habits they may have picked up.
Mar 22, 2012 | Internet Infographics
Flowtown has published the following infographic that examines “Pinterest addiction” which seems to be spreading like a zombie apocalypse virus. Proof? Pinterest users spend an average 98 minutes on site per month, third only to Tumblr (2.5 hours) and Facebook (7 hours). And is there an antidote? Why would you want one?
Mar 22, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
You may be drunker than you think 0r feel. It doesn’t take many drinks to impair your abilities and put your health at risk. This infographic, published by and discovered at Infographics Archive, illustrates the various impacts of a 170 lbs. man consuming one drink every twenty minutes.
Mar 21, 2012 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
This infographic from SongCast is a representation of proven music promotion techniques that help musicians and bands to sell music online. It also gives important statistics on the music industry, regarding music sales online, music retailers and the revenue of the industry.
Mar 21, 2012 | Technology Infographics
QR Codes, otherwise known as “quick response codes” are part of a whole new way of connecting with consumers via their smart phones and mobile devices. The following infographic, published by Wasp Barcode, provides a brief history of how bar codes and QR codes came into existence as well as some statistics on how they are being used today.
Mar 21, 2012 | Marketing Infographics
America’s newest social media darling, Pinterest, can be an attractive proposition for small businesses who want to display their products. But how do you know if Pinterest is right for your business? Take the test below, published by Intuit and in infographic format, to find out.
Mar 20, 2012 | Food & Drink Infographics
First isolated in coffee back in 1820, caffeine is the tacit drug of choice for millions as it can be found in numerous beverages and medications. However, not a lot of people stop to appreciate what caffeine actually is and what it does.
Mar 20, 2012 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Spring is upon us but the ski season continues so long as there is ample snow. This infographic published by Hiscox offers tips on how to ensure your ski trip is fully insured, highlighting activities which some ski/travel insurances may not cover.