How Your Home and Car Affect Your Car Insurance Premium

Have you ever wondered how your car insurance is priced? This infographic covers many variables that affect the cost of your insurance. For instance: If you live within one mile of a gas station your probability of making a physical damage claim is 22% higher then somebody who lives further away from the gas station.

Are Brands Trying To Be Good Listeners in the Digital Age?

In the age of Facebook and cloud computing, listening to customers is more important than ever. It sounds simple enough, but there are tweets, online comments, and various other channels of digital communication to pay attention to. This infographic explores how organizations have implemented listening and digital engagement to reap the benefits of web 2.0.

The Facts About Smoking

Learn some alarming statistics about smoking in this infographic. For example, did you know that 1.3 billion people worldwide still smoke, despite all the hazards? That as well as additional data presented in visual format below.

The Wild Wild Web: Wrestling with Online Privacy

On January 24th, 2012, Google announced changes to its privacy policy, combining over 70 policies into one universal policy across all of its properties and products. The following infographic helps explain some of the biggest issues in web safety and gives tips on how to keep yourself protected, from passwords to privacy policies.

Timeline for Best Baby Gifts

You may not be sure what kind of toys a baby should have and it’s very likely that you heard conflicting advice that runs from one extreme to another. This infographic provides ideas for some creative gifts that you can pass to a baby of different ages – from a newborn baby to 3 months, 6 months and even when the baby reaches one year old.

What’s In Your Trash?

Americans generated more than 250 tons of garbage in 2010, and as much as 90% of waste can bypass the landfill through recycling and waste incineration. This infographic from Bolt Insurance covers some helpful information and will help you to visualize and retain this important information about what is in your trash.

The Day the Internet Stood Still

The SOPA Blackout turned out to be one of the largest protests in history which had the effect of stalling two of the most terrifying censorship bill to ever pass through the United States Congress. This infographic recounts that momentous day for social media users in tweets, emails and calls.

The World’s Most Famous Funerals

North Korea has recently bid farewell to the Beloved Leader Kim Jong Il in a ceremony that was attended by over two million people in Pyongyang. This infographic from looks at how it measures up to some of the more fondly remembered figures of the past century.