How to Become a Backyard Zookeeper

Do you love zoo animals? Do you have questionable morals and ethics? Then running a backyard zoo could be for you! It’s actually pretty inexpensive and depending on where you live, you may not even need a permit. The following infographic from provides information if you decide to be a backyard zookeeper.

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

Far too often, entrepreneurs are unaware that LLCs and corporations are very different. Although virtually the same from a liability protection standpoint, they are extremely different from a tax standpoint. A lawyer and a CPA can help you evaluate the pros and cons of corporations and LLCs, but in the meantime, the following infographic from eMinutes provides some basic guidelines.

Everything You Need To Know About Mother’s Day

In a day and age of me, me , me, moms are still the most important person in most of our lives and Mother’s day is as important as ever. Even the Romans took time out of conquering the known world to celebrate their version of Mother’s day and the Americans have been celebrating it for 150 years. Learn something new about Mother’s Day with this infographic below.

How Your Tax Dollars Are Educating America

Out of all the revenue Uncle Sam pulls in each year, 4.8% of those precious tax dollars go toward education. But how, exactly, is that chunk of change used? The following infographic published by H&R Block breaks down the budgets and make sense of the dollars in the American education system.

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly

Engaging online writing is informal, conversational, and fun, but certain goofy mistakes just make you look silly… and not in a good way.This infographic published at Copyblogger and designed by BlueGlass looks at 15 of the most egregious grammar goofs.

Top 10 Internet IPOs Over the Last 10 Years

Many like myself are anxiously waiting to see how Facebook’s IPO will go once it is public. But what about some of the other Internet-based companies and their IPOs? How well did they fare and more importantly, how are they doing today? This infographic takes a look at the top 10 Internet IPOs over the last 10 years.

Website Testing: Move Beyond the Landing Page

Smart marketers understand the value of testing. In a relatively short period of time, website testing has evolved from changing the color of a “submit” button on one web page, to building intricate, multi-page testing campaigns with the ultimate goal of delivering an engaging online experience to customers.

Beware of These Internet Related Illnesses

Using the Internet daily has become almost unavoidable these days. However having the Internet at your fingertips at all times might not always be a positive thing. According to a recently published study in General Hospital Psychiatry, excessive use of the Internet can cause Internet Addiction Disorder, or IAD, which can lead to anxiety and depression.

I Need to Get a WHAT!?

Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the United States. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, removing precancerous growths found during a colonoscopy can cut the risk of dying from colon cancer in half. Less than half of adults over the age of 50 have been screened, mainly because they are afraid of the test.

Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized Milk

In support of the raw milk community and the education of dairy consumers, Natural News has published an infographic about organic raw (fresh) milk versus conventional (pasteurized) milk. This infographic reveals the crucial differences between the nutritional properties, animal compassion and health implications of raw milk versus pasteurized milk.