A Technical Examination of SOPA and PIPA

Unless you’ve been hiding out in a cave or on a very extended vacation, you’ve no doubt heard about two bills that are circulating congress – SOPA (short for “Stop Online Piracy Act”) and PIPA (short for “Protect IP Act”) and all the controversy surrounding them. What you may not understand is exactly what these bills stand for and how they might impact the Internet as we know it today. This infographic explains SOPA and PIPA in a very simplistic way.

Did YouTube Kill Television?

Has the popularity of YouTube made television obsolete? Growth in television advertising has slowed while video streaming revenue continues to sky rocket. This infographic provides some interesting data on the growth of YouTube since its birth in 2005.

SOPA vs The Film Industry

Has Hollywood already forgotten the 1950s and the blacklist? This infographic from Matador Network takes a look at the history of movie studios attempts to control the industry and how SOPA is just another tactic they are trying to utilize for that control.

The 2011 Ecommerce Holiday Season in Review

Despite a tough economy that forced consumers to think twice about every purchase, many online retailers experienced an increase in not only sales during the holiday season, but gains in traffic from mobile and tablet shoppers and other key metrics. This infographic gathers all the retail ecommerce spending stats from 2011 into one handy reference tool.

Dealing with a Holiday Spending Hangover

Do you use your credit cards like a Smart Spender or an Over Spender? Credit card debt can easily get out of control unless you’re smart about how you make purchases with your credit cards. This infographic provides tips on how to avoid debt and how to set up a budget plan for 2012.

Let’s Get Physical: America’s Resolution to Stay Fit

With the refrigerator finally free of leftovers from the holiday, many Americans make the dreaded resolution to shed those pesky pounds they gained over the holidays. Vowing to be in better shape than the year before, some adults swear their fitness oaths loud and clear at local gyms. But what about those that don’t plan to get a new gym membership or renew an existing one? And how many actually stick to this popular resolution?

SOPA: The Internet Blacklist Bill

SOPA is a new bill introduced in congress that will allow the U.S government power to block certain sites and links from internet users in the States. This infographic shows how this bill can affect the privacy of internet users in the U.S and how it crosses the boundaries of censorship.