Hand Jive: American Hand Gestures That Could Cause Trouble Abroad

It’s pretty common knowledge that “flipping some a bird” is meant as an insult to the recipient. What is not well know is that several innocent hand gestures here in the United States will not be well received in other parts of the world. This infographic designed by Pimsleur Approach contains 7 of the most offensive (and dangerous) ones.

The St. Louis Workforce

St. Louis has a surprisingly robust job market and workforce. This infographic demonstrates the opportunities you can find in a somewhat surprising place.

How Big is General Electric?

Most people no doubt recognize the GE logo on their fridge or stove and think they are an appliance company. However, General Electric is very diversified such as being involved in many other industries like oil and gas, healthcare, energy, entertainment. Not to mention that GE owns NBC? They are also involved in building the world’s first carbon neutral city – Masdar city in the United Arab Emirates. This infographic from PartSelect shows just how big GE really is.

10 Irish Inventions That Changed The World

When you think of things that originated from Ireland, one might naturally think of Guinness beer. Or possibly the rock band U2 comes to mind. But did you know that Ireland is responsible for many other important inventions that have had major impact on our world? This infographic highlights ten of them.

Latino Earning Power

This infographic from H&R Block features some interesting data and statistics on the Latino community – their country or origin, what kind of careers they are working in, their buying power and more.

7 Deadly Sins of Mobile Marketing

Get SMS (text) marketing wrong and you can very quickly do more damage to your brand and business than the worst email or mailing campaign blunders. When marketing via SMS, be sure to avoid these seven deadly sins so you can obtain the maximum benefit from your efforts.

Asbestos Kills American Workers

Did you know that 733,000 office buildings in the United States still contain asbestos materials? Or that 155,000 mechanics and automotive garage workers are potentially exposed to asbestos materials? Asbestos is one of the main causes of mesothelioma cancer. It is deadly. Life expectancy is an average of 8-11 months after diagnose. This infographic lays out some of the facts on the danger of asbestos and mesothelioma.

5 Endangered Places to Visit Before They Disappear

From the impressive snow caps of Mount Kilimanjaro to the romantic city of Venice, these are places under threat from changes in the environment. So to tie in with the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting which is currently being held in Davos, we have produced this exciting infographic which identifies our top 5 holiday destinations to visit before they’re gone.