Valentine’s Day Rocks or Sucks

When it comes to Valentine’s Day you either love it or hate it. Here are some reasons why Valentine’s Day rocks/sucks for both couples and singles. For couples you either love the whole production of the day or you feel pressured to be romantic and buy gifts. And if you’re single you either get together with your friends and celebrate SAD (Single Awareness Day) or you feel guilted and lonely by this forced commercial holiday.

Facebook Numbers Prior to the IPO

On the heel of the news over the fact that Facebook is getting ready to file for an initial public offering this week, and most indicators point to $10 billion in stock and a valuation at over $100 billion, Statista has put together stats on the company’s mind-boggling ascendance in recent years in the following infographic.

How is Light Beer Light?

In this infographic from Total DUI, learn how light beer is made and what makes it “lighter” than its counterparts. Additionally some information is provided on which types of drinks will get you drunk faster as well as other factors that determine how quickly a person might get intoxicated.

Carbs Are Killing You: Eating Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat

Fat’s got a bad rap. We’ve heard that curbing our consumption of fatty foods will help you lose weight. We’ve reduced our fat intake, but obesity is still thriving. So what gives? The answer: It’s not fat’s fault. Instead, diets rich in carbohydrates have been secretly storing fat, slowly growing our waistlines and our obesity epidemic. Don’t believe it? This infographic shows how it happens.

Hand Jive: American Hand Gestures That Could Cause Trouble Abroad

It’s pretty common knowledge that “flipping some a bird” is meant as an insult to the recipient. What is not well know is that several innocent hand gestures here in the United States will not be well received in other parts of the world. This infographic designed by Pimsleur Approach contains 7 of the most offensive (and dangerous) ones.

The St. Louis Workforce

St. Louis has a surprisingly robust job market and workforce. This infographic demonstrates the opportunities you can find in a somewhat surprising place.

How Big is General Electric?

Most people no doubt recognize the GE logo on their fridge or stove and think they are an appliance company. However, General Electric is very diversified such as being involved in many other industries like oil and gas, healthcare, energy, entertainment. Not to mention that GE owns NBC? They are also involved in building the world’s first carbon neutral city – Masdar city in the United Arab Emirates. This infographic from PartSelect shows just how big GE really is.

10 Irish Inventions That Changed The World

When you think of things that originated from Ireland, one might naturally think of Guinness beer. Or possibly the rock band U2 comes to mind. But did you know that Ireland is responsible for many other important inventions that have had major impact on our world? This infographic highlights ten of them.