Implementation of Big Data

One aspect of digital transformation is that organizations struggle to get right is the identifying, capturing, managing and analyzing of big data. Organizations must be strategic in how they approach the collection, management and analysis of their data if they want to find the gems of insight that will provide them with a competitive edge. This infographic covers the different aspects of Big Data like what is it and challenges in managing it and why is it so popular.

The 50 Deadliest U.S. Counties For Bicyclists

Electric bikes, scooters, and bicycles are increasing in popularity due to their low environmental impact and cost-saving benefits. They also give people an opportunity to get outside and exercise. As the number of cyclists on the road increases, so do the number of accidents. Unfortunately, these accidents can lead to serious injury or even death. Here is an infographic that looks at the 50 deadliest U.S. counties for bicyclists.

A Guide to Starting a Lawn Care Business

Like any business that is started from the ground up, a lawn care business takes a lot of time and preparation. Having a good business plan is essential in an industry such as lawn care. This guide from Bradley Mowers looks at these points and walk you through some of the most important steps that need to be taken in order to start a successful lawn care business.

Should You Back Up Microsoft Office 365 Data?

Microsoft Office 365 is a revolutionary service from Microsoft designed to unify various business processes for smooth and efficient operations. But don’t forget about safety, compliance and control of your data. Without a third-party data protection solution, your business will be in constant danger of accidental data deletions, data corruption, ransomware threats, and many other threats.

Unlocking the Power of SMS Marketing

If you have a business that you want to let people know about, then you should definitely tap into the power of SMS marketing. For example, you may want to promote a sale event and invite past and present customers to take advantage of the sale. Through SMS marketing, you can send a short text message to a mobile phone user, mentioning key details of the event, and even include a link to your website where they can learn the full details.

How to Secure Your Construction Site

With the presence of high-value plant machinery and equipment, construction sites remain a common target and are particularly vulnerable to theft and other crimes, especially when they are not adequately protected. Millennium Security have produced a handy infographic explaining the most effective ways to secure your construction site from theft, arson and unauthorized access.

The World’s 100 Most Valuable Brands & When They Were Founded

Did you know that the average age of the 100 most valuable brands in the world is an incredible 89.43 years, with 40 of the top brands having been founded more than 100 years ago? The information gathered from Forbes and Wikipedia and compiled into an infographic, lays out the 100 most valuable brands across the globe and what year they were founded.

Traditional Education vs STEM Learning

Traditional schooling is woefully inadequate for the fast-paced, information-overloaded, and ever-changing environments that kids face today. It has proved ineffective at arming children with the skills, knowledge and mindset necessary for uncertain times and career paths. The STEM approach to learning takes a hands-on, discovery-based approach that helps kids develop their innate curiosity and interest, retain knowledge for much longer, and apply it in real-life situations.

The Rise Of Mobile Apps During the Coronavirus Outbreak

The Covid-19 outbreak has confined a big part of the population indoors. This has had a direct impact on mobile app usage trends, especially among on-demand mobile apps. In the infographic below, the team at Dot Com Infoway have compiled revealing trends on how the use of mobile apps has not just increased in numbers, but also in terms of the influence that they wield in people’s day-to-day lives, across devices and mobile operating systems like iOS and Android.