Top 10 Famous Steel Structures in The World

Steel is one of the most used metals for building and construction to construct some mesmerizing buildings through decades. Alongside the strength and durability, metal buildings are cost-effective, time and energy-efficient, portable, fully customizable, DIYable, etc. Where traditional structures have several limitations, steel structures overcome all these drawbacks and serve reliable features.

U.S. Amusement Parks With the Most Deaths & Injuries the Past 10 Years

Thrills and danger are often two sides of the same coin. Roller-coasters are an excellent example of this dynamic. The fear of cars flying off the track, support beams collapsing, or safety bars failing pop into the minds of riders, making their hearts pound all the more. Fortunately, roller-coaster accidents are relatively rare. In fact, the likelihood of dying on a roller coaster is one in 750 million. This infographic explores the major accidents and injuries that have happened at U.S. amusement parks in the past 10 years.

Why Branding is Essential for B2B Brands

For years branding belonged to B2C sites. B2B sites were mostly bland, formal and lacked a distinct brand flavor. But it’s 2020. And as customers get used to superior, self-service experiences, B2B brands cannot afford to be behind the curve. The stats and info in this infographic throws light on why branding is essential for B2B and how it can propel long-term growth.

Boosting Your Business With Strategic Gifting

Every interaction with a prospect, lead, or customer has potential to add value to an organization. Whether you’re sending emails, making phone calls, or paying for ads, each point of communication can impact a business. How do you stand out and still communicate value? From prospecting, to booking meetings, to customers retention, reciprocating each interaction with genuinely personalized gifts will boost your business.

Which U.S. States Have the Most Workplace Homicides?

When looking at workplace violence statistics in America, it’s clear that this is a serious problem. Each year, millions of Americans report cases of workplace violence, and many more go unreported. This is even graver when considering how many of these incidents involve workplace deaths and homicides. Between 2011 and 2018, 3,584 Americans died at the hands at another in their workplace.

What Happens to Your Phone When You Recycle It

When cell phones are improperly disposed of and end up in landfills it can cause damaging effects to the environment and our health. Cell phones contain harmful toxins including lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chlorine and bromine. If disposed of in landfills these toxins can be absorbed into the air, ground and water supply and over time cause harmful effects to the ecosystem and the environment.

Lithium-ion Vs. Lead Acid Batteries

Does a lithium-ion forklift battery outperform a lead-acid forklift battery? In this infographic, courtesy of Flux Power, take a look at the benefits of Lithium-ion batteries over Lead Acid and the difference between the two.

The Story of Microsoft

From 1975 to 2020, a lot has changed in technology. The same is true with the technology giant Microsoft. Across four decades, Microsoft has revolutionized the computer operating system. In this infographic, let’s see how a company started in a garage changed the world.

Guitar Effects: An Infographic History and Breakdown

Here is an infographic courtesy of detailing the history of guitar effects, starting all the way back to the 1930s with Rickenbacker’s Vibrola Spanish Guitar and progressing to the present day.  Along the way, we see iconic guitar-effect breakthroughs like gain and reverb in the 1940s to 1950s’ effects like fuzz and distortion.