Jul 8, 2020 | Marketing Infographics
In 2020 video simply cannot be ignored! The content team at Creatopy recently published an infographic featuring 60+ video marketing stats they simply believe everyone in the industry should know in order to better understand how certain platforms work and foresee emerging trends.
Jul 7, 2020 | Transportation Infographics
3,930 people have died in plane crashes over the past 10 years. As high as that number might sound, it’s nothing when you consider 2.7 million people fly every year out of the United States alone. Still, it’s quite scary to think about the possibility of getting into a plane crash. If you want to look at your options before flying, look no further than this infographic which reveals every airline that has had a crash in the past decade and how many people have died.
Jul 6, 2020 | Transportation Infographics
In this infographic, courtesy of Repair Loader, you can create your own convertible car as a do-it-yourselfer. It provides a good overview of what tools you need and how to approach that process.
Jul 2, 2020 | Offbeat Infographics
This infographic by YourLawyer.com takes a look at where you’re most likely to be killed as a pedestrian in America. It doesn’t look good for Florida. Pedestrian accidents are, unfortunately, on the rise. The Governors Highway Safety Administration stated that there were 6590 pedestrian fatalities in 2019, a 5% increase over 2018’s numbers. That is a 60% increase in fatalities since 2009.
Jul 2, 2020 | Offbeat Infographics
If you’ve been frustrated by Fleshlight sleeves that take forever to dry out, this project is for you. This Do It Yourself PVC stand quick-dries Fleshlights using the power of gravity. And it’s not just a drying stand – you can also use it hang frequently-used Fleshlight sleeves for easy convenient storage.
Jun 30, 2020 | Lifestyle Infographics
New research has shown that plans to celebrate the Fourth of July this year – as do plans for protecting against Covid-19, differ based on political affiliation. Nuwber.com, the people data analytics company, surveyed more than 1,200 people to determine the key differences. The findings are presented in the following infographic.
Jun 29, 2020 | Marketing Infographics
Everyone wants their website to be easily found on Google or other search engines. To be successful with your digital business, you need successful marketing. In this way, you will increase the quality and quantity of website traffic which leads to more sales.
Jun 26, 2020 | Marketing Infographics
In this social media-led world, Awareness Days are something we have in abundance. Every single day is dedicated, often more than once, to something. You only have to log into Twitter to see a ‘hashtag holiday’ trending. The team at Adzooma set out to collect data on the effectiveness of Awareness Days. By looking at who exactly is fueling these days and actively putting resources into them, the infographic below uncovers whether Awareness Days hold any value to brands.
Jun 25, 2020 | Finance & Money Infographics
You may feel like you are a brave person who has a handle on fear. Then you receive an official letter, notifying you of an IRS audit of your income taxes, and you have a new respect for fear. Here is an infographic that looks at 10 most common situations where a high-risk IRS audit could evolve into a criminal tax investigation.
Jun 24, 2020 | Shopping Infographics
According to Gallup, 45% of Americans said they had tried marijuana in 2017. Bigger market share, more diversified products, more intensive competitions, the cannabis industry is crowded more than ever. However, the black-market is still dominating the game, with a six-time higher sales, compared to the legal market.