Jul 30, 2020 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
For many students, sports play a large part in the high school experience. While the number of students who play sports in high school declined slightly in the 2018-19 school year, there were still 7,937,491 participants; sports are still a very popular extracurricular activity for students around the country. Which high school sports are most popular in America? AAAStateofPlay.com examined the most popular high school sports for boys and girls around the country to determine the top sports in each state.
Jul 28, 2020 | Career Infographics
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there are more Americans who work from home now more than at any time in history. Are employees more productive from home or are distractions actually interrupting work? This infographic shows you what 2000 Americans working from home are really up to when they are supposed to be working.
Jul 27, 2020 | Health Infographics
Medical coding is a critical aspect in the healthcare billing process. It ensures accurate payment for physicians and also creates a valid record of patient history. In this infographic, you will learn what medical coding services are, the role of medical coders in the healthcare billing cycle, importance of coding and the different types of codes used currently.
Jul 27, 2020 | Business Infographics
Some find working at customer support stressful, while others have cracked the tricks to scoring high in every customer interaction. It could very well be that there are innate qualities that make it easier for some people to succeed in this field. In this infographic, Klaus looks at 5 habits of successful customer service agents.
Jul 24, 2020 | Internet Infographics
What information are some of the largest tech companies in the world collecting on their users and profiting off of as they sell this information to third parties and advertisers?From facial recognition data to your mouse movements, you’ll be shocked at just how much they know about you. The following infographic, courtesy of TruePeopleSearch.com, lays it all out.
Jul 24, 2020 | Environmental Infographics
Sulfur dioxide has a serious impact on the air quality of various countries around the world. So far, which country is the most polluted by sulfur dioxide emissions? In the following infographic, look at data on the global impact of Sulfur Dioxide and how raw coal desulfurization can save us.
Jul 23, 2020 | Home & Garden Infographics
Steel is one of the most used metals for building and construction to construct some mesmerizing buildings through decades. Alongside the strength and durability, metal buildings are cost-effective, time and energy-efficient, portable, fully customizable, DIYable, etc. Where traditional structures have several limitations, steel structures overcome all these drawbacks and serve reliable features.
Jul 21, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Thrills and danger are often two sides of the same coin. Roller-coasters are an excellent example of this dynamic. The fear of cars flying off the track, support beams collapsing, or safety bars failing pop into the minds of riders, making their hearts pound all the more. Fortunately, roller-coaster accidents are relatively rare. In fact, the likelihood of dying on a roller coaster is one in 750 million. This infographic explores the major accidents and injuries that have happened at U.S. amusement parks in the past 10 years.
Jul 17, 2020 | Marketing Infographics
For years branding belonged to B2C sites. B2B sites were mostly bland, formal and lacked a distinct brand flavor. But it’s 2020. And as customers get used to superior, self-service experiences, B2B brands cannot afford to be behind the curve. The stats and info in this infographic throws light on why branding is essential for B2B and how it can propel long-term growth.
Jul 16, 2020 | Business Infographics
Every interaction with a prospect, lead, or customer has potential to add value to an organization. Whether you’re sending emails, making phone calls, or paying for ads, each point of communication can impact a business. How do you stand out and still communicate value? From prospecting, to booking meetings, to customers retention, reciprocating each interaction with genuinely personalized gifts will boost your business.