May 11, 2020 | Marketing Infographics
Video excites and engages people like few other types of content, whether they’re consuming entertainment, news, sports or branded messaging. Video has the power to bring people together, to engage and teach them, to create cultural conversations. That’s why savvy digital marketers know video is a crucial component of a broad content strategy.
May 8, 2020 | Law and Legal Infographics
Where are you most likely to be a victim of violent crime in the United States? This infographic compiles data from the FBI on murder and and non-negligent manslaughter, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery to provide valuable insight on the most violent and dangerous cities in the Unite States.
May 6, 2020 | Home & Garden Infographics
If you’ve been left wondering by the thought of cutting a porcelain tile without a wet saw, there are several ways to do so. A glass cutter is the simplest one. Another type of tile is the ceramic tile. To cut them into simple straight cuts, a carbide-tipped pen can be used. Additionally, you may need to use a sander to remove any surfaces that have been left over after cutting the tile.
May 5, 2020 | Marketing Infographics
Being stuck at home, many consumers are experiencing digital fatigue which is probably why response rates have been so low. Sales and marketing organizations should consider leveraging offline engagement to cut through all the spam and misinformation online. Check out the following infographic for more reasons why B2B organizations may want to consider joining the offline revolution.
Apr 30, 2020 | Home & Garden Infographics
It’s not all horror films and killing sprees. Basements have played a role in the classic adventure comedy The Goonies. There have been basement scenes that reveal information about the characters, like in John Wick. In That 70s Show, the basement hang-out spot is where most of the activity happens. And of course, the Wheeler basement in Stranger Things has been the site of many important plot developments.
Apr 29, 2020 | Business Infographics
Webscale conducted a survey of 450+ e-commerce professionals to analyze how their businesses planned for and fared during the 2019 holiday season, in terms of revenues, growth, page load speeds, downtime, and cybersecurity. The survey also investigated how they felt about their current hosting infrastructure, top challenges, and infrastructure solutions they would like to invest in.
Apr 28, 2020 | Offbeat Infographics
In horror films and TV shows, we’ve seen how basements have been the location of some truly scream-worthy scenes. We’ve watched as people use their basements for horrible things. Sometimes the basement itself is evil. Other times, the basement has a paranormal problem like a portal to another world. In the real world, the scariest thing in your basement is probably unresolved foundation problems. However, in movies and on television, we’re usually scared of something else.
Apr 28, 2020 | Business Infographics
The world is going through unprecedented times as COVID-19 is affecting businesses across the globe. As per the experts, this human tragedy is the worst ever since World War II. The global economy, is witnessing the repercussion from this sudden pandemic that has engulfed almost the whole world, including some powerful and rich nations such as US, UK, China and others.
Apr 27, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
The world of video games has greatly evolved over the past few decades, and so have the video game characters that we’ve all come to know and love. From the Super Mario Brothers to the brutal fighters of the Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter universes, so many characters have gone through some interesting evolutions, to say the least. In this infographic, take a closer look at how 20 notable characters from the world of gaming have changed.
Apr 24, 2020 | Health Infographics
Millions of people are now working from home for the first time because of COVID-19 restrictions. That’s bad news for back health. Poor posture and lack of lower back support can put pressure on the vertebrae and contribute to back pain. These ergonomic tips can help make any setup safer and more comfortable, whether you’re logging in from the couch or your kitchen table.