A Timeline of Famous Authors

Did you know that Charles Dickens lived during the same era as Herman Melville? Or that John Steinbeck and George Orwell both lived through both world wars as well as the Great Depression? Having the context of when authors behind your favorite works lived can contextualize so much about their perspective.

How to Close a Sale: 12 Sales Tips for Success

Generating prospects, nurturing and qualifying them, understanding their unique needs all these actions lead to the major goal: closing a sale. Closing requires putting in the work. Salespeople need to be prepared for different situations such as push-back and objections. Convincing your customers to change their status quo and choose your solution or product isn’t enough to close the sale.

Role of Marketing Automation in B2B Landscape

Marketing automation will not replace human marketers, but will instead help them in streamlining and enhancing specific activities. Marketers, therefore, will spend more time in handling demanding concerns. Check out this infographic by TDInsights to know how marketing automation will impact the B2B landscape.

How Loud Is It?

Every sound has a decibel measurement that helps determine your hearing ability and health, from a pin dropping to a balloon popping, from a fire cracker to a rocket launch. This helpful infographic highlights the ways that everyday experiences and tasks affect hearing.

How to Use Infographics for Lead Generation

Lead generation is an essential marketing activity as it signals the start of what it could be a fruitful relationship with future customers. However in this rapidly evolving digital world, generating leads is not a simpler task. Infographics, a graphical representation of crucial information, have helped many marketers in this area.

Top Technology Trends for 2020 in Numbers

With investments showing in from all directions for the implementation of technology in businesses, now is the right time for your business to leverage technology’s complete potential. To get a better idea about what technologies are trending and which ones you should prefer, here is the infographic which showcases the most trending technology in 2020 which helps to flourish your business.

How Much Does it Cost to Make an App

If you have been thinking of developing a mobile application for your Startup or business, often the very first concern that comes up in mind is the app development cost. Here is a guide, courtesy of Appinventiv, that will provide you the answer to how much does it cost to make an app.

50 Sentient Alien Species of Star Wars

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away … there were a lot of fascinating alien species. One of the most captivating components of the Star Wars universe is the biodiversity of such aliens. Some are adorable, like tree-dwelling teddy bear Ewoks from Endor, while others are not. Learn more about them all with this infographic.

How Much Do You Know About Data Security?

The team at USB Makers recently conducted a study whereby they asked business professionals and owners how much they knew about their data and its security. What they found was that most of the general population are worried about their personal or financial data being hacked, 65% in fact, and yet 78% are not worried about a data breach within their business.

Ways To Make Your Home Safer

Our homes should be the most secure places in our lives. But if you ask most people about homes’ security, they have no idea how safe they are. As long as they have locked the doors and windows, they think that they are safe. But that is not enough to deter intruders and keep a home safe. In this infographic, look at 10 ways to make your home safer.