Aug 28, 2019 | Travel Infographics
Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is imperative for any living person, and this especially true for the working population. However, doing such essentials becomes difficult if the said employee is required to travel from place to place on an on-going basis on behalf of their company. As busy as business traveling can be, there are actually some simple hacks that employees can follow to ensure they’ll stay on in good physical shape during the trip.
Aug 28, 2019 | Technology Infographics
Technology is advancing its way into almost every industry type, and the legal industry is not lagging behind. In fact, most of the law firms have already incorporated the use of the latest technology to streamline their work processes and enhance the overall work efficiency and productivity. However, with technology benefits, its hazards also come along, and in the legal industry, the hazard is data breaches.
Aug 28, 2019 | Home & Garden Infographics
Unlike the walls which can be seen all-around the house, or the floor that you literally step on, the roof does not garner that much attention compared to these parts of the house. Because of this, the roof gets lesser attention over time. Because of the unawareness of homeowners, small roofing problems become major ones that require a more money to fix rather than a few tools and effort.
Aug 27, 2019 | Business Infographics
The RAIN Group recently surveyed 423 sales and enablement leaders and discovered their top 10 sales priorities for the year ahead. Some of these include improving the ability to communicate value, improving the productivity of sellers and sales teams and increasing. business with existing accounts. The following infographic looks at these and seven additional ways to achieve your top sales priorities.
Aug 26, 2019 | Marketing Infographics
In the world of eCommerce, gaining customer trust is vital as customer’s purchases can be heavily influenced by product ratings and reviews. More positive ratings and product reviews can mean more customers and ultimately, more revenue. In the following infographic, Cogneesol looks at how to increase online store sales with product reviews.
Aug 23, 2019 | Health Infographics
Healthcare insurance in the United States can often be a tricky matter with many not understanding the basic vocabulary and statistics behind it. Uninformed views of it can cause people to buy improper services for themselves. This infographic seeks to inform viewers so they can make the right healthcare decision for themselves.
Aug 23, 2019 | Lifestyle Infographics
Alcohol is one of the most common substances used in the United States. The accessibility of alcohol makes it much easier for people of all ages and social classes to get their hands on. Binge drinking statistics in the US are alarming. These statistics reveal just how dangerous over-consumption of alcohol really is. In the following infographic, Crestview Recovery visualizes some binge drinking statistics.
Aug 23, 2019 | Shopping Infographics
Digital marketplaces are online platforms designed to sell an array of products and they can offer a broad range of items or specialize in a type of product. They are are convenient for consumers and benefit businesses because resources can be devoted to other areas instead of solely e-commerce, which can be very successful. When marketing products in a digital marketplace, it is important to take quality photos, invest in customer service, have clear policies, and utilize social media for marketing.
Aug 22, 2019 | Technology Infographics
VMworld is the premiere virtualization and cloud computing event held every year by VMware going back to 2004 when it kicked things off in San Diego. In 2019, the show returns to San Francisco after a three year run in Las Vegas. Come along as VMblog takes you on a tour of VMworld through the years, rock and roll style.
Aug 22, 2019 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
It takes hundreds or even thousands of people to release a movie, a television series, a comic book series, etc.. Yet entertainment franchises are often guided by a singular artistic vision. In this infographic, looks at five such visionaries: Jim Henson, Walt Disney, Stan Lee, George Lucas, and J.K. Rowling.